Friday, December 31, 2021

Dupont Research Resources

In researching my paternal grandparents I have been studying anything to do with Dupont and their Old Hickory TN location where my grandparents lived.  The Nashville Archives and the Tennessee State Library and Archives both have a Dupont Collection.  The links below take you to a PDF listing of each archives collection.  

Dupont Collection(Old Hickory, TN) Summary of items at the Nashville Archives.

Dupont Collection(Old Hickory, TN) Summary of items at TN State Library and Archives(TSLA)

The Hagley Museum also has a good bit on Dupont some of which includes pictures from Old Hickory. Also, there are a number of pages on Facebook dedicated to Old Hickory which post pictures and articles of historical significance 

Books In My Personal Library

  • Dutton, William S. 1951. DuPont: one hundred and forty years. New York: Scribner's.
  • E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. 1952. Dupont, the autobiography of an American enterprise. Wilmington, Del: Du Pont.

I've also been working on my Old Hickory TN--Dupont tree which is currently at Ancestry. It's a public tree but  requires being subscribed to Ancestry or viewing from your library's Ancestry acct.  At some point this may change if I can find a host that meets my needs so that I can get it out there for all who are interested.

Please feel free to leave a comment or email me at my Google email acct (rmbeckman) if you have comments or questions about the Old Hickory community during its time as a company town.  I'd love to hear from  you.  

Note: I intend to add to this post as new resources become available.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Williamson Co. TN--Dist 25(1836-1840)--D-H

Over the past few years I've been studying Williamson Co TN Dist. 25 in hopes that knowing how the families were interconnected will help me to find a lead and break thru my Cook brickwall.  I've been using a spreadsheet to pull together my notes and information on this community so that I had somewhere to quickly look for notes on the families if they showed up in any other parts of my research. I'm publishing this to my blog in the hopes of finding other researchers interested in the area and time period that the information here might help.  This portion contains families who were living in or taxed in District 25 of Williamson Co TN during the years 1836-1840 whose surnames begin with D-H.  When possible I've noted connections in neighboring districts.  Simply put, there is a lot of overlap of families between Williamson Co TN Dist. 25,  the Versailles and Eagleville area of Rutherford Co TN and Bedford Co TN Dist. 10(Rover). Also please note that anyone listed as NOT enumerated in District 25 should probably read not listed as Head of Household in Williamson Co. TN District 25.  They may be within another household OR they may not be enumerated at all within the district for a number of reasons. 

A-C           D-H            J-L          M-P           R-S           T-Z

Davis--Goodwin Davis is on Dist. 25 Tax list for 1838 but was listed on the Dist. 10 Rutherford Co Tax list for 1837.   There is a Goodwin Davis(b. NC) enumerated in 1860 in Bedford Co Dist. 18 with a rather large family.  That Goodwin Davis' wife was a Henrietta Davis(maiden name unknown) Additionally Mrs. H. Davis(1840 Census-Williamson Co TN Dist 25)

Dillard--James(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836) Could he be the one buried in Beechgrove(Coffee Co) d. 1839

Eggleston--Edward C(Dist. 25 Tax List 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839) John W(Tax List 1838, 1839) I believe these Egglestons are connected to those in May Community of Rutherford Co TN in the 1850  There are some which are in Moore & Franklin Co later on which I believe are also from this family.

Fagin-- John(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1839) I think this is likely John S Fagan who married Mary Elizabeth Smith.  They were the parents of Thomas Henry Fagan and grandparents of Urban B Fagan & John Walter Fagan, Maggie T Fagan & Richard Owen Fagan.

Fear--William(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1838) There is a Wm Fears on 1820 Rutherford Co TN Census Could be connected.

Ford/Foard--William(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1839) Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.  There is a Wm Ford who marries Isabella Hill in 1843 Williamson Co TN

Gillespie--James D (Dist. 25 Tax List 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 and enumerated there on the 1840 Census) He was the maternal uncle of Susan Carson(2nd wife of James Cook-son of Wm Clifford Cook & Elizabeth Putman) 

Haley--Carrol B Haley(Dist. 25 Tax list for 1838 & 1839.Enumerated there in 1840.)  His father Barnabas is on Bedford Co TN Dist. 10 Tax list for the year 1837.  Barnabas was involved in the Williams/Putman & Anglin case.  Carroll married Catherine Lamb. The wife of Barnabas(Carroll's mother) was Nancy Coursey and the Coursey family was also involved in the aforementioned court case.

Hall--Anderson (Dist. 25 Tax List:  1837, 1838 & 1839) He along with John Landrum(b-i-l) are Executors of John Hall Sr. will.

Halstead/Holstead--Benj. & John(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837) Miles(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1838)  Joseph (Tax List: 1838 & Enumerated in 1840) Susan Halstead is on Tax List of 1839 and is likely the Mrs. Holstead enumerated on the 1840 Census of Williamson Co TN Dist. 25. 

Hargrove--William Hargrove is enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840. Likely kin to Hezekiah  and Leroy Hargrove/Hardgrove who were in Rutherford Co TN 1810

Haynes--Elizabeth Haynes is enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840. She is living alone and in the 60-under 70 age range.  Near Cannon, Pope, Cole and Lambs.

Height/Hight--Robert A Hight(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1839) John J Hight on 1838 Bedford Co TN Tax List  There are Heights with given names Robert and John in the 1820 Census of Statesville Wilson Co TN along with Patterson, Harris, Cook families.  They descend from John Hight and Eleanor Nichols.  Some of these Hights have Mercer Co KY connections as do the Harris and Cook family

Hendrix--Elisha W & Thomas(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census) Elisha Hendrix' property is mentioned in the deeds of Jabel's land when Wm Putman deeds his and Hiram's lots to Nancy Putman.  Adam Hendrix (Dist.25 Tax List for 1836 &1837).  Mary Hendricks(Dist. 25 Tax List for 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census) She may be the widow of Adam who drops from the list. Newberry SC ancestry.  See Deed Book for the Putman deeds.

Hill--William Hill(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census) Is this the father of J Benjamin Hill?  If so this family is from Granville Co NC. and William Hill was enumerated there in the 1800 US Federal Census(see History of Versailles).  Wm Hill's property line is also mentioned along with Elisha Hendrix' property line in the deeds that Wm Putman sells or transfers to Nancy Putman that were part of his and Hiram's land inheritance from their father's estate. see deed book

Hogan--John Hogan(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)Lived in Versailles : Married to Lucinda Wood in 1819 b. about 1798. Died in Williamson Co  14 Apr 1856 War of 1812 Pension

Holt--David, Edward & Thomas(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836) There is a Thomas Holt in 1840 Williamson Co TN but the district is a  bit confusing and appears to say "Nineteen First Civil District"

Hood--John Hood(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836) May be connected to the Rutherford Co TN John Hood who married Celia Fuqua in Davidson Co TN and who is enumerated in Rutherford Co in 1850.  Check Bradley Creek Baptist where they were members.

Hopkins--George(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836) married Elizabeth Crick(dau of John Wm Crick) which made him a brother-in-law to several of the Putmans.

Hunt--Robert A (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1838 & 1840 Census) Near Pope, Webb, Crick families in 1840

  • Tennessee, US, Early Tax List Records, 1783-1895
  • Williamson County(Tennessee) Tax Records 1800-1963) Tax records 1831-1845
  • Tennessee State Library and Archives. North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S., Early Land Records, 1753-1931 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.
  • Nance, R. Fred, and John W. Nance. 1983. The History of Versailles, tenth district, and its people. Murfreesboro, Tenn. (P.O. Box 906, Murfreesboro 37130): Rutherford County Historical Society.
  • "United States Census, 1840." Database with images. FamilySearch.
Bedford Co TN.
Rutherford Co TN
Williamson Co TN
  • Rover Historical Society. History of Rover and the 10th district of Bedford County: lest we forget the people and things in our corner of the world. Vol. I(1986), Vol. II(1999). Paducah, Ky: Turner Pub. Co.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Combining W.C. Cook's 1878 Tax listing & 1878 Beers Map location

Using the snipping tool to capture the 1878 Tax Listing for W. C. Cook and the clip tool from the Library of Congress Beers Map of Bedford Co TN Landowners, I've combined those(the red marks on the Tax list were made by me to show the column headers which aren't in view in the snippet)  Nothing fancy but it does provide a visual   Click image to enlarge.


Bedford County (Tenn.). Trustee. 1965. Tax books, 1875-1895, 1897, 1899-1904, 1906-1923, 1925, 1931-1965. Nashville, Tennessee: Restoration and Reproduction Section, Tennessee Department of Education. Imaged at as Tax Books 1878-1881 Film # 477093 Dist 9 1878 Tax Year Image 112 of 774 ( accessed  12 Dec 2021.

Beers, D. G, and D.G. Beers & Co. Map of Bedford County, Tenn. Philadelphia: D.G. Beers & Co, 1878. Map.

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

My Paternal Grandfather's Maternal 1st Cousins

About two years ago I wrote a series of blog posts examining the 1st cousins of my paternal grandmother-- one covering her paternal 1st cousins, and another her maternal 1st cousins.  I'm now finally getting around to writing about my Paternal Grandfather's 1st cousins.  This post focuses on his maternal 1st cousins which would be the grandchildren of  William Benton King and Eliza Jane Manire. My Grandfather Thomas DeWitt Cooke(b. 1888) and his siblings descend thru William and Eliza's daughter, Jane Bell King Cook.  Known Ancestor surnames include Brandon, Harris, Jackson(2), King, Lambert, Manire/Manier, Ogilvie, Patton, and Upshaw. Tom has about 26 maternal 1st cousins  These cousins' dates of birth span the years from about 1866 to  1907 so it is likely that he may have known many of them.  While some of them moved to Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma or Texas, the majority stayed in Rutherford and Bedford County.

I've used census records, death certificates, obituaries, wills, etc. and welcome any corrections.  So... if you are in this branch and can offer any help in untangling I'd be more than glad to hear from you.

Tom's Maternal 1st Cousins: (listed by group)

  • Susanna Rebecca King James' children:  Liza Florence James, William Robert James, Sarah Bell "Sallie" James, Launana H. James, John C James, Margaret J. James, Mase James, Edward Jackson James, Frank James..
  • Minerva May King Fuller's children:  Eliza Jane Fuller Smith, Margaret Fuller Davis
  • W. J King(no issue)
  • Stephen Robert King's children:   Albert Sidney King and Ida Arminta King
  • Margaret Jordon King Foster's children:  Inez Ethel Foster Hudson, Edna Earle Foster Mitchell,  Almeda Duggan Foster Hargett Chapman
  • Richard Nance King's children:  
    • From 1st marriage:  Amasa B King, M.A. King(died before age 3) M.E. King(died before age 3), Joseph Knox King, Eula T.King, Emily Mai King
    • From 2nd marriage:  Richard Lee King, Florence King, Charlie Bryan King, Stephen Robert King.

My Paternal Grandfather's Paternal 1st Cousins

About two years ago I wrote a series of blog posts examining the 1st cousins of my paternal grandmother-- one covering her paternal 1st cousins, and another her maternal 1st cousins.  I'm now finally getting around to writing about my Paternal Grandfather's 1st cousins.  This post focuses on his paternal 1st cousins which would be the grandchildren of  William Clifford Cook and Elizabeth Putman. My Grandfather,  Thomas DeWitt Cooke(b. 1888) and his siblings descend thru William and Elizabeth's son, William Green Cook.  Known Ancestor surnames include Cooke, Joice, Putman, Tyler.

I've used census records, death certificates, obituaries, wills, etc. and welcome any corrections.  There is a lot of intermarriage between the Cook, Epperson, Lamb, Little, Turner & Wheelhouse families. So... if you are in this branch and can offer any help in untangling I'd be more than happy to hear from you.

Tom has about 38 paternal 1st cousins  These cousins' dates of birth span the years from about 1866 to 1907 so it is likely that he knew most of them.  While some of them moved to Arkansas, Illinois and Michigan, the majority stayed in and around Rutherford and Bedford County, TN.

Tom's Paternal 1st Cousins: (listed by group)

  • Minerva Cook Boyce's Children:  Evander Warren Boyce, Joseph Forrest Boyce, Rebecca L Boyce Turner, Humphries Hastings Boyce
  • James Polk Cook's Children:  Harriet Sophie Cook Boyce, Minerva Mae Cook Lamb, Martha L Cook, William Clifford Cook
  • Angeline Cook's Children:  Sally Cook, (unknown-died in childhood) Cook
  • Joseph Knox Cook's Children:  Parrie Elizabeth Cook King, W.M. Cook, Melzora Annis Cook Reid, Joseph Knox Cook Jr., Thomas J Cook, Mary Ella Cook Martin,  E.T. Cook, David Strahl Cook, George Daubey Cook, Cass Green Cook
  • Rebecca Cook(died young no issue)
  • Jefferson Gideon "Doc" Cook's Children:  
    • From 1st Marriage--Robert Lee Cook 
    • From 2nd Marriage--Jefferson Gideon Cook Jr., John Rainey Cook, Cass Buchanan Cook, Martha Annie Cook
    • From 3rd Marriage--Ollie Mai Cook.
  • Elizabeth Cook(died young no issue)
  • David V Cook(died young no issue)
  • Luranie Jane Cook Williams(no issue)
  • Cass Buchanon Cook's children:
    • From 1st Marriage:  Minnie Pearl Cook Lamb, Joseph Alvin "Alvy" Cook, Willie Bogle Cook, Amna Mai Cook Taylor, James Reid Cook, Emett Alrous Cook, 
    • From 2nd Marriage:  Lena C Cook Helsey, Edna Elizabeth Cook Manning, Alla Erin Cook Horton, Edmond Cooper Cook, Daisy Louise Cook Rhinehart, Thomas Clifford Cook

Monday, December 06, 2021

W C Cook Tax listings for 1875-1881 Bedford Co TN Dist. 9

W C Cook on the tax lists from the Bedford Co TN Tax Books for the years covering 1875 1881 which are available at FamilySearch and linked below.  He's in District 9 during these years but if you "flip" thru the pages you can find the other Bedford Co TN districts if you have others in Bedford Co TN that you are researching.   You will need to log in to view the images.  If you don't already have an account you can sign up for one.  It's free..  

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1875-1877 Film # 477092 Dist 9 1875 Tax Year Image 91 of 573

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1875-1877 Film # 477092 Dist 9 1876 Tax Year Image 269 of 573

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1875-1877 Film # 477092 Dist 9 1877 Tax Year Image 465 of 573

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1878-1881 Film # 477093 Dist 9 1878 Tax Year Image 112 of 774

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1878-1881 Film # 477093 Dist 9 1879 Tax Year Image 305 of 774

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1878-1881 Film # 477093 Dist 9 1880 Tax Year Image 494 of 774

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1878-1881 Film # 477093 Dist 9 1881 Tax Year Image 681 of 774

Saturday, December 04, 2021

Land Sale in Versailles(TN)--1819

Transcribed from an advertisement announcing land for sale in Versailles, Tennessee.  (see source below transcription)

The Town of Versailles.

The undersigned, Trustees, having laid off. 
and agreed to sell
Fifty Half Acre Lots,
In the Above named Town,
will proceed, on the
First Thursday in March next,

On a credit of twelve months, to sell the said
Lots on the premises

Versailles is situate in Williamson
County. adjacent to the place where
the county-lines of Williamson, Rutherford
and Bedford counties unite.--This place, has
heretofore been known by the name of Ray's
Horse Mill. The public road leading from
Florence Through Columbia to Murfreesboro'
passes through Versailles, as also the
roads from Pulaski to Jefferson from Win-
chester to Franklin, and from Nashville to
Shelbyville, etc etc--Versailles is situ-
ate 33 miles from Columbia, 28 miles from
Franklin, 38 miles from Nashville, 18 miles
from Shelbyville, 15 miles from the Fishing
Ford on Duck River, and 14 from Murfrees-

The neighborhood of Versailles taken
as a whole, is happy in its local situation. The
surrounding country produces, not only the
comforts, but the luxuries of life, in the great-
est and most plentiful abundance. This
district seems to possess a peculiar excel-
lence for the culture of cotton and tobacco,
which are its two principal exportable com-
modities. The land is equal to any in the
famed Alabama Territory, and
Could nature's bounty satisfy the breast,
The sons of New Versailles were surely blest.
The "planter's toil" will be as well repaid
by cultivating the soil of this neighborhood
as in any part of the western county. We
forbear, however to expatiate further upon
the advantages of Versailles and its
neighborhood, which all those wishing to sa-
tisfy themselves of, can ascertain by attend-
ing at the day of sale.

It is known that the counties of Ruther-
ford, Williamson, Maury and Bedford, pos-
sess more territory than their constitutional
limits, and if a new county should hereafter
be laid, Versailles will without doubt,
become the seat of justice for the new coun-
ty. With a view to the happening of this
very probable event, the town has been laid
off with a large public square, for the erec-
tion of public buildings, and lots will also be
reserved for the use of an academy, church,
etc. which are given by way of donation by
the proprietors.

The town is watered by several excellent
spring, which never fail in the driest sea-
sons; and in fact, in every other respect,
presents a most handsome opening for the
farmer, the merchant, the speculator and

Francis Jackson
Azariah Kimbro
A B Potts
J.O.K Wood

January 25--54-2w.

Source:  “The Town of Versailles” The Clarion and Tennessee State Gazette, 26 Jan 1819, p. 4, col. 3; digital images, ( : accessed 4 Dec 2021).

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Williamson Co. TN--Dist 25(1836-1840)--A-C

Over the past few years I've been studying Williamson Co TN Dist. 25 in hopes that knowing how the families were interconnected will help me to find a lead and break thru my Cook brick wall.  I've been using a spreadsheet to pull together my notes and information on this community so that I had somewhere to quickly look for notes on the families if they showed up in any other parts of my research. I'm publishing this to my blog in the hopes of finding other researchers interested in the area and time period that the information here might help.  This portion contains families who were living in or taxed in District 25 of Williamson Co TN during the years 1836-1840 whose surnames begin with A-C.  When possible I've noted connections in neighboring districts.  Simply put, there is a lot of overlap of families between Williamson Co TN Dist. 25,  the Versailles and Eagleville area of Rutherford Co TN and Bedford Co TN Dist. 10(Rover). Also please note that anyone listed as NOT enumerated in District 25 should probably read not listed as Head of Household in Williamson Co. TN District 25.  They may be within another household OR they may not be enumerated at all within the district for a number of reasons. 

A-C           D-H            J-L          M-P           R-S           T-Z

Baucom--Wilson Baucom/Bacham(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837 & 1838)  He is the son of Cader Baucom and Susannah Lucy Fowler.  I also believe that his mother is the Susannah Baucom(1777-1840) buried in the Wilson Cemetery near Eagleville. This family was from Wake Co NC.  He married Christina Crick(1820 Williamson County TN)  which makes him the son-in-law of John Wm Crick & Elizabeth Powell Crick.  In 1830 he is enumerated in Maury Co TN near John Hight, Wm Church, Geo. Nixon & Simon S Baker.

Berry--Thomas S. (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837 & 1838).  His wife was Eliza Ann Puckett. Believe he is son of the Thomas Berry who received a NC Land Grant in Leiper's Fork area.

Brooks--Christopher(1836), Ch M(1837), C.W.(1838) C.M(1839) Possibly the Christopher whose wife was a Kerr and whose mother was a Williams if he is the one who is from Caswell Co. NC.

Bryant(or O Bryant)--Fredrick G(1840) A Fredrick O Bryant is on the Bedford Co Tax list of Dist. 10 for 1837 & 1838 and there is a David P Briant in Dist. 10 Bedford for 1836.

Call-- Thomas is on the 1838 & 1839 Tax list of Dist. 25 as well as the 1840 census for that district. His brother Uriah is on Bedford Co TN Dist. 10 Tax list for 1836 & 1837 but on the Dist. 25 of Williamson Co Tax list in 1838 and also in enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.  They were the sons of William Call and Eleanor King.  Their family has Union Co SC ties and also later Carroll Co AR and Berry Co MO. Uriah's wife was Sarah Cox.  Thomas married Hally / Holly Putman, daughter of Amos Putman.  Which makes him a nephew in law to my direct line Jabel & Nancy Tyler Putman.  Uriah Call is a witness to many of the Putman deeds resulting from the division and later sell of Lots from Jabel Putman's estate.

Cannon--Newton & Robert are sons of Minos Cannon & Letitia Thompson and were enumerated Dist. 25 in 1840 but do not appear on tax lists in Dist. 25. They were taxed in Dist. 20 & Dist. 24 of Williamson Co.,  District 7 of Bedford Co. and District 9 of Maury Co. during the time period from 1836-1839.  During these same years also in other TN counties of  Davidson, Obion, Shelby & Tipton. Newton was governor of TN from 1835-1839.  Their family was from Guilford Co NC.

Carlton--Thomas & Thomas B(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838 & 1839) Not enumerated in 1840 in Dist. 25.  There is a Thomas Carlton taxed in 1836 Dist. 10 Bedford Co TN.  Thomas Carlton's wife was Nancy Wade.  Three of their children married children of Jabel & Nancy Putman. Another married a Patterson.  Wade H. Carlton(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836 & 1837) He is a son of Thomas & Nancy Wade Carlton and married Sarah/Sally Putman.  Wade H. & Sarah/Sally Putman Carlton are enumerated in Weakley Co TN in 1840.  Thomas B. Carlton( b, 1813 son of Thomas & Nancy) married Jane Putman. He and Jane are in Bedford Co TN in 1840 but by 1850, Jane has died and Thos B. and family are in Bois D'arc, Hempstead, Arkansas. 

Carson--Jesse H. Carson(1840 Census--no tax listing) is the Father of Susan Carson(Wife of James Cook & daughter in law of Wm C Cook & Elizabeth Putman)  Susan's mother and Jesse's wife was Nancy Gillespie

Cole-- Gideon and Thomas Cole were brothers--sons of Thomas & Elizabeth Cole. They are both taxed for years 1836, 1837, 1838 and 1839 and enumerated there in 1840.  There were two Thomas listed in 1836 in Dist. 25.  The Rover book says that they acquired land in Byler Bottom(Rover--Dist. 10 Bedford Co ) Bedford Co TN Dist. 10 Tax list does have a Thomas Cole for years 1837, 1838 & 1839.  The 1840 Census for Dist. 25 of Williamson Co TN also lists William Cole.

Cook--Joseph Cook--(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836, 1837 & 1838).  Wm C Cook is listed on the Dist. 25 Tax list of Williamson Co TN for the year 1838 but on Bedford Co TN Dist. 10 for years 1836 & 1837.  Joseph passes in 1838 and drops from the Tax list.  Wm C Cook doesn't appear on the tax list in 1839 for Williamson Co Dist. 25 nor Bedford Co Dist. 10.  I have also not found Wm C Cook in 1840 Census records.  Wm C Cook was appointed admin of Joseph's estate though it is not known how they were related or IF they were though it does seem likely since they have the same surname that some sort of relationship exist. [Update 2/23/22 I've located Wm C Cook in the 1840 US Federal Census in Dyer Co TN next door to brother-in-law Noah Putman.]

Cooper--Job(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836 & 1838) Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.  Possibly the same Job Cooper who obtains a land grant in 1814 in 2nd Dist. of Bedford Co TN(waters of Weakley Creek on north side of Duck River) mentioning neighboring lands of Bylers, Charles Brandon, and Elijah Rutledge.  There is a Job Cooper who marries Elizabeth Landrum in 1821 Williamson Co TN. Geo C Cooper is bondsman

Covington--M. L. Covington (Dist. 25 Tax list:  1839 & 1840 Census)  Probably Marquis Lafayette Covington. Married Elizabeth Snell Ransom(a widow)

Cowen--V.D. Cowen(Tax List of Dist. 25 for 1836, 1837, 1838 & 1839) Not enumerated there in 1840.  Appears on the Dist. 10 Rutherford Co TN Tax list for the years 1836 & 1837. This is Varner D Cowen  He was a Judge in Rutherford Co TN.  You can read more about his family and their home which burnt during the Civil War by visiting the Rutherford Co Historical website. 

Crick/Creek-  Like the Carlton family, the Crick family intermarries with the children of Jabel & Nancy Putman.  
Edward/Edmond -(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)
Felix G- (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838 & 1840 Census)
Jacob- (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)
John Jr. (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)
John Sr. (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)
Mark L (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1839 & 1840 Census)
Newton C (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)
Wm H (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)

Crittenden-- Richard Crittenden (Dist. 25 Tax List:  1838)   There may be some connection to Frances/Fanny Crittenden who is in Rutherford Co TN in 1829 and 1830.

Cromer--Henry Cromer (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1838 & 1839) Not enumerated there in 1840.  His wife was a Shaffer & Gambill Descendant.  Her father, Richard Shaffer was killed by Indians in pre-statehood Sumner Co (TN)

Cullum--William H Cullum(Dist. 25 Tax list: 1836)  He is likely the Wm H Cullum who is enumerated in 1820 Williamson Co TN- Franklin near Cole, West, Beasley Brown, Hill, Wade 

  • Tennessee, US, Early Tax List Records, 1783-1895
  • Williamson County(Tennessee) Tax Records 1800-1963) Tax records 1831-1845
  • Tennessee State Library and Archives. North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S., Early Land Records, 1753-1931 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.
  • Nance, R. Fred, and John W. Nance. 1983. The history of Versailles, tenth district, and its people. Murfreesboro, Tenn. (P.O. Box 906, Murfreesboro 37130): Rutherford County Historical Society.
  • "United States Census, 1840." Database with images. FamilySearch.
Bedford Co TN.
Rutherford Co TN
Williamson Co TN
  • Rover Historical Society. History of Rover and the 10th district of Bedford County: lest we forget the people and things in our corner of the world. Vol. I(1986), Vol. II(1999). Paducah, Ky: Turner Pub. Co.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Browsing our H3-T152C! mtDNA Haplogroup matches

 Exploring the mtDNA matches of my daughter today.  I keep a mtDNA Tree(private) at Ancestry to study the ones which have an exact match because of the backwards mutation present at her 5th Gr Grandmother level.  (mtDNA Haplogroup H3-T152C!) Our documentation is back to Nancy Combs Fleming[1797(NC/TN)-1881 TX ] who was the daughter of Mason Combs and his wife Dorothy.  Dorothy would be the contributor of the mtDNA.

Research using mtDNA results is most useful when used to compare testers matrilineal lines in the hopes of answering a question. Were it not for the backwards mutation in our line, the genetic distance = 0 (zero) matches with ancestry in the same general area, and the groupings of matches I probably wouldn't be giving this much thought until a specific research question arose.

There are several groups within the exact matches who are in the TN / NC area in which our matrilineal line lived.  In addition to our group of Dorothy Combs descendants there are about 4 other groups.  I generally focus on two of the others in addition to my own.  

A matrilineal line back to Rebecca Wallace b. 1782 MD d. 1816 VA

A matrilineal line back to Catherine Brewer b. 1809 NC d. 1890 AR

Today I was looking at Catherine's ancestry and where she had lived.  The census record below is of Sylvanias Blackburn & family in 1830 Hickman Co TN.  This was Catherine's husband.  They lived with his parents but moved off to War Eagle Creek Arkansas not long after this census.

"United States Census, 1830," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 February 2021), Slvenins Blackburn, Hickman, Tennessee, United States; citing 254, NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 176; FHL microfilm 24,534.

There may be others from this line who have tested and match but do not have any type of tree where I can work out the connection.  I've written several asking about their tree but people just don't respond much. 

Just thought this was a nice break from  butting my head against my own brickwalls.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Rev. Felix Z. King Sketch

Rev. Felix Zollicoffer King(my 1st Cousin 3 times removed) was no doubt the namesake of  Felix Zollicoffer, the Civil War Confederate Brigadier General & US Congressman of Maury County, Tennessee.  I found a sketch about him in the Nashville Banner's Church Chimes section from 7th of April 1894 edition(p. 12 col 1).  This article can be found online at   I am transcribing a portion of it here.  The last part of the sketch is difficult to read due to a piece of tape on the image.

I'm interested not only because of the King /Upshaw connection(our closest connection--we also connect thru  my Ogilvie / Harris 5th Great Grandparents) but there is mention of Samuel King but the way it's written it appears to say that Samuel King is a maternal connection for him.  My King line is one that needs research as it is little more than speciation back beyond John King & Nancy Brandon.  I've never seen or found any documentation beyond that point although admittedly I've been focused on other lines which weren't back to the time period.  There should be records in KY where John King reportedly moved the family from to Bedford County area.  There should also be some in Elbert Co GA as well as NC(presumably in Buncombe Co if family story is correct).  I often wonder if the connection of my Kings to my Cook(e)s started way before the marriage of my Great Grandparents Wm Green Cook and Jane Bell King.  Maybe the key to my Cook line connection lies in the also finding out the Kings.  If only the surnames weren't such common names.  We do have YDNA testers from both of those lines.

Sketch and Portrait of Rev Felix Z King

Rev Felix Zollicoffer King, the popular past of the Second Edgefield Cumberland Presbyterian Church, was born in Bedford County, Tenn. January 22 1862.  His parents were devout Christians and members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, his father being an elder in that church during a period of Thirty-eight  years.  His grandfather, Rev John S. King was a Cumberland Presbyterian preacher and Rev. Samuel King, one of the founders of the Cumberland Presbyterian, a maternal relative.  Mr. King's mother was closely related to Meredith P Gentry, named in the early history of Tennessee.  Mr. King was reared on a farm, where he labored until he was 20 years of age.  Owing to the poverty of his parents his early education was greatly neglected.

Except Two months in his eleventh year he was not in school at all, until he was 17 years of age and then only three months each for two years.  A notable fact which indicated something of what would have been his attainments had he received early advantages is that during those tow months spend in a county school, when he was 10 years old, he not only mastered the intricacies of the English alphabet, but he performed the herculean task of spelling entirely thru the Webster's, blue-back spell of precious memory, so that he could spell every word in the book by heart.

At the age of 19 he entered the Unionville High School, Bedford County, where he spent two of the happiest and most profitable years of his life.  converted at the age of 18, he joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at the age of 18.  In the interim he remembered a heroic struggle with infidelity, a struggle which ultimately resulted in firmly fixing his faith upon the gospel of Christ.

Mr. King is accustomed to say that his early impressions that he would become a preacher were received a the age of 4 years, during a revival which was being held near his home by Rev John P Hastings.  he joined Elk Presbytery as a candidate for the ministry at the age of 19, and was ordained in 1886.  The first three years of his life as a preacher were devoted to almost constant preaching of the gospel, and for his services during that period he received the munificent sum of $15.00.  After spending a year following this in successful evangelistic work with Rev. T M Hendrix and Rev. N D Crawford he became pastor of three country churches in Bedford and Rutherford Counties, all of which were organized by Samuel King, whose old home still stands at Three Forks, one of these churches.  He entered Cumberland University in 1889, spending two years in special study of English and the sciences.  He found himself inclined to give special attention to philosophy.  He graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in 1893.

During his first years in school at Lebanon he preached on an average three Sunday a month, thereby securing all the money necessary to support himself and his family during that period.  Mr. King was married to Miss Jennie S Floyd, of Flat Creek, Tenn. December 5, 1886, and is the father of two promising songs.

For some months previous to his graduation he supplied the Second Edgefield Cumberland Presbyterian Church, taking formal charge as pastor in June, 1893.  He has been very successful in all his work, especially in revival work.  His success as a pastor has been scarcely less.

The Second Edgefield church, under his ministry for the last eighteen months, has been doubled in membership and multiplied to all the element of congregational strength.  An effort is being made to build a handsome house of worship in the near future for the congregation.  Mr. King has the universal love and confidence of this people.

A few incidents in his life will indicate his character as determined man of integrity.  For example, although he does not remember when in his childhood he began the use of tobacco and although he had become a slave to the habit, on September 10, 1889, he deliberately quit the use of the weed and has never touched it since.  

(sketch continues but is hard to read)

Source:  "Church Chimes:  Sketch and Portrait of Rev Felix Z King," Nashville Banner, 7 April 1894, p. 12, col. 1; digital images, ( : accessed 25 Nov 2021).

Friday, November 19, 2021

Shared DNA Amounts --Example of variation

Looking at shared amounts of DNA between Mom's Hale/Hitchcock 2nd Cousin.

That cousin is a 2nd Cousin once removed to me and my siblings.  My brother and sister get a substantial amount of the DNA she shares with this cousin.  However, I get a much smaller amount and that amount is low enough that Ancestry applies Timber and it shaves an additional 19cM.

I also see this in my Cook(e)/Putman line where my brother shares a much smaller amount with several of our 2C1R than my sister and I share with them..  

23&me--My Ancestry Timeline

I think the long generations in my family may have thrown this off a bit.  
My parents were born between 1930 and 1940.   
My Grandparents were born 1888-1899.  
My Gr Grandparents 1853-1875  
My 2nd Gr Grandparents 1808-1820
My 3rd Gr Grandparents. 1772-1800(There are 2 in my patrilineal line I have not yet identified)

I have not identified any North African ancestry though multiple companies have shown some trace amounts and ancestry similar to Sephardic Jewish.  

Their white paper on the process is available here

Notes that show in "mouse over" bubble for each of these:

You most likely had a parent, or grandparent who was 100% British & Irish. This person was likely born between 1910 and 1940.

You most likely had a third-great-grandparent, fourth-great-grandparent, fifth-great-grandparent, or sixth-great-grandparent who was 100% Finnish. This person was likely born between 1730 and 1820.

You most likely had a third-great-grandparent, fourth-great-grandparent, fifth-great-grandparent, sixth-great-grandparent, or seventh-great- (or greater) grandparent who was 100% Scandinavian. This person was likely born between 1700 and 1820.

You most likely had a fourth-great-grandparent, fifth-great-grandparent, sixth-great-grandparent, or seventh-great- (or greater) grandparent who was 100% North African. This person was likely born between 1700 and 1790.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Clues from a Query in an Old County Quarterly

Older quarterlies for areas of interest are often an overlooked resource.  I've been reading some Granville Co NC Quarterlies online and noticed that another researcher was interested in Thomas Abraham SMITH and Elizabeth HIGHT.  This researcher placed a Query in the Spring 1995 quarterly asking about Thomas Smith---more specifically who were his parents and what happened to his children.  This interested me because my siblings and I have a group of people we match along with other descendants of  our 2nd Great Grandparents, Wm Clifford Cook & Elizabeth Putman.  This group of unknowns all seem to be descendants of John Hight and Eleanor Nichols.  

Represented Branches:

  • Charnel Hight
  • Harbird/Harbert Hight
  • Elizabeth Hight Smith
  • William Moore Hight

Wm Clifford Cook's parents are unknown so it is possible that the Hight connection might be somewhere back in his parents' ancestry.  The original poster didn't state her exact connection but I was able to find an obituary for her(she passed in 2016) and determine that she was the 4th Great Grandchild of Thomas Abraham Smith & Elizabeth Hight Smith using information found in that obituary. The query also gave some addition details that I had not yet found which I can add to my research on that group..


Granville Connections-Journal of the Granville County Genealogical Society, 1746." Vol. 1, No. 2, (Spring 1995) "Queries" p 36  Query # 3-95. Imaged at

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Hights in Johnson County Illinois

My mother DNA tested at AncestryDNA and I have viewer rights to a number of my Cook / Putman cousins match list there as well.  Mom's test  helps to sort matches so that I know if they don't match her they are thru my Dad. I sort Dad's lines into Cooke / King and  Jakes / Frizzell.  I can further sort within each group.   We have a group of  matches who are the descendants of  John Hight and Eleanor Nichols.  These matches are shared with my Cook / Putman cousins.  Several of their descendants were already in my tree as they are kin to some of my Putman cousins but not thru the sibling of the Putman I match.  

A number of these Hights were in the area of Bedford County where my W. C. Cook(2nd Gr Grandfather) lived and one among the purchasers from the estate of Joseph S Cook.(W.C. was admin of that estate but we do not know WC's connection to Joseph)  Many  times the movement of our ancestors occurs because of their desire to own land.  Some of John & Eleanor's descendants moved to Johnson County Illinois.  Illinois uses the public land survey system(think grids) and because of this I can use HistoryGeo's First Landowners Project to look at Johnson Co. IL to see if I can find any of the Hights.  A visual reference can be very helpful.

I was able to find them and also some surnames that were familiar to me from my research of the Cook and Putman lines.  Now to add exploring all of the Johnson Co IL records to my "To Do" list.  I'm still working on the ones in Williamson, Maury, Rutherford, Bedford and Marshall Co TN--places where descendants of the Y DNA line which my Cooks match were known to have been.   

HIGHT-- There is another Archibald Hight mentioned in Maury Co TN  probate records. The purchasers at the estate sale  are Richard B Hight, Sion Hight, Robert Hight, Wm Hight and several others. Tennessee, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1779-2008 Maury Co TN  Wills Vol B-C 1809-1825 images 635(sale p.390) & 698(inventory p. 495) of 714. Tennessee, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1779-2008 Maury Co TN  Wills Vol D-E 1826-1832  image 117(settlement p.170) of 596.

SMITH--While Smith is a very common surname it is one that intermarries with Hight, Harrisons and Putmans.

SIMPSON--The cemetery where W.C. Cook & his wife are buried in Bedford Co TN is the Simpson Cemetery.  It was named after the family who gave the land for the cemetery.(John W Simpson)

THOGMORTON--Typed index to burned volumes made from the register's notebook 1852-1861 for Bedford Co has an entry for a deed from a Thomas Cook to Martha Thugmorton(similar enough to note)  See list on profile page of W C Cook in my Cooke / Luna Tree at Ancestry.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

George H. Solifelt(1843-1935)

In a previous blog post about Tennessee Ferguson Hill I had found that she moved to Iola KS after she was widowed with a George Solifelt.  The paper and census records list Tennie as his niece but I have not been able to find any connection.  If there is a connection it would likely have to be thru Tennie's deceased husband.  


Info from George H. Solifelt's Obituary
  • Born 4th July 1843 in Lewistown, Pennsylvania
  • Died 30 January 1935 in Iola
  • Served in PA Calvary during Civil War
  • Moved to Texas after leaving Army
  • Worked several years in Texas on a cattle ranch.
  • Then moved to Rosebud, Miss --Farmed for many years[This would be Leake Co.]
  • Later Came to Ft Smith Arkansas(lived in town)
  • 28th of April 1909 came to Iola along with niece(Mrs Tennie Hill)
  • Father killed in Mexican War(while Mr. Solifelt was an infant)
  • Only Brother killed in Civil War
  • Mother and two sisters deceased
  • Mrs. Hill his niece is his only known family

Source:  “Obituary(George H. Solifelt),” The Iola Register, 2 Feb 1935, p. 2, col. 3; digital images, ( : accessed 17 Oct 2021).

Info from George H Solifelt's death notice.

Civil War Veteran Dies
End Comes to George H Solifelt at Age of 91--He lived in Allen County Since War
  • Died at Residence 421 South Buckeye
  • Funeral Friday(Feb 1 1935)
  • Burial at Highland
  • Came to county shortly after the close of Civil War. 
  • Spent virtually all remainder of life in country or Iola where he came to live in 1909
  • Only remaining family a niece Mrs. Tennie Hill with whom he was living
  • Member of Presbyterian church
Source:  “Civil War Veteran Dies End Comes to George H Solifelt at Age of 91.” The Iola Register, 30 Jan 1935, p. 1, col. 4; digital images, ( : accessed 17 Oct 2021).

Pension Records

From First Card

Subject:  Solifelt, George H
Pri Co H 126 Reg't PA

Record & Pension Office
War Department Sep 2 1896

William H Settle, Atty
Lewistown, Mifflin Co PA

X Alias Theodore Sullivan

Source:  Date of Reply or Final Disposition.  Sep 3, 1896
"United States Index to General Correspondence of the Pension Office, 1889-1904," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 Oct 2021), George H Solifelt, ; citing NARA microfilm publication M686 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,527,989.

From Second Card

Subject:  Solifelt, George H
Co C 2 PA Inf 3 mon 1861
Co H 126 PA Inf
Co E 20 Reg't Pa Inf
Co C 1 Reg't PA Prov  Cav

Record & Pension Office
War Department Oct 22 1896

For Full Mil. History

X alias Theodore Sullivan
See also Nos.:  #457725

Date of Reply of final disposition.  Oct 27, 1896

Source:  "United States Index to General Correspondence of the Pension Office, 1889-1904," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 Oct 2021), George H Solifelt, ; citing NARA microfilm publication M686 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,527,989.

Court and Penitentiary Records

I'd entered what little information I had on him at Ancestry and found an inmate record which I believe is him in the town where he was known to have lived.

Pennsylvania Prison, Reformatory, and Workhouse Records, 1929-1971
# 6718 George Solifelt
Age: Twenty-Seven
Native of Philadelphia
Bound: Not
Trade:  Baker & Laborer
Complexion:  Light
Eyes:  Grey
Hair:  Brown & Curly
Stature:  5 ft 6  Foot 10
Marks:  Female Figure on left arm & ? right arm
No of convictions:  First
Parents:  Motherless
Reads & Writes:  Both
Temperate:  Moderate
Married:  Married & 1 child
Property: Not Any
Crime:  Highway Robbery
Sentence:  One Year 6 months
County and Court: Mifflin;  Oyer & Terminer
Sentenced:  August 27, 1870
Received:  August 29, 1870
Remarks:  (no text in this area but 2 years Army written across top of his entry)

Source: Pennsylvania, U.S., Prison, Reformatory, and Workhouse Records, 1829-1971 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc.; Eastern State Penitentiary > Convict Reception Registers > 1869 - 1886 > images 65 of 725.

The record of his time at the Penitentiary sent me in search of a court case which I located on FamilySearch.  Below is the information contained in that case file.

Transcript from the Docket of Joseph S Warcam J P  
Augt. 20 1866 Warrant issued to A Wagner Constable on oath of Dennis Igo that on the 20th Augt 1866 whilst going from the Lewistown Bridges to the Lewistown Depot a person whom he believes to be George Solifelt asked him what time of day it was and when he took out his watch said person jerked the watch out of his hand with the purpose of feloniously appropriating it to his own uses.  Alias Warrant issued Nov 1 1866 to George Miller  Feb 12 1868 Deft brought up bail requests in $300 Same day deft committed--March 22 1868 Dennis Igo held in $50 to appear and testify in the above cases
July 2nd 1870 2nd Alias Warrant issued to G W Woods Cmo
July 2nd 1870 Deft brought up
George Solifelt }  each held in $300 that George Solifelt the
Henry A Walters }  deft shall be and appear at this next court of Quarter Sessions to answer such charges
as may be brought against him on the part of the
Commonwealth and not to depart said court without leaves
taken and acknowledged before me July 2nd 1870 J S Warcam J P 
Mifflin Co SS Certified from the Records Augt 19th 1870
Jos. S Warcam J P

Costs:(This was written in the left margin of case)
J S W  .75 paid by Igo
J S W 2.25
A.W.   .62 paid by Igo
A.W.   .50
G W W  .62

Source:  Mifflin Co PA Court Papers, Quarter Sessions Papers Aug 1870-April 1875 imaged at accessed 18 Oct 2021, img 32 of 1472

Draft & Military Service Records

Residence:  Lewistown
Name: Sullifelt, G T 
Age 1st July 1863:  21 Yrs old  White Laborer Single 
Place of Birth:  Ohio 126th Regt PA
Remarks Dis 20th May 1863

Source: U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.Pennsylvania > 17th > Vol 1 of 1> Image 607 of 627.

Also found  two men named George Solifelt listed in Court Martial records in the National Archives Catalog.  

I think the top one is probably him since the Company and Regiment matches on that is in his service and pension file but the one in New York is likely a different guy as I did find one that was in New York City.  I'd like to check both if I get the opportunity.  

Other service records on Ancestry list him as a POW on 19 Jul 1864 at Ashby's Gap, Virginia.  He was very hard to find in census records prior to living in Kansas.  I found him in the ones he should be in there 1910, 1920 & 1930 Federal as well as the Kansas State Census for the years 1915 & 1925.

George and Tennie are buried side by side in the Highland Cemetery at Iola, Kansas. Their entries are listed on FindAGrave along with a picture of their gravestones.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

John F Tipton--Charity Baptist Church Cemetery(Hazel Green, AL)

Information from the Death Notice of Husband of 2nd Cousin 3 times removed.

John F Tipton Age 55
Died: Sun 12 Feb 1950(8:30am)
Services and Burial
Mon 13 Feb 1950
Charity Baptist Church
Charity Baptist Church Cemetery
Rev Floyd Kilpatrick & Rev Johnny Jenkins
Laughlin - Service Funeral Home

Wife: Mrs. Allie Moss Tipton
Richard Tipton
Arthur Tipton
Arnold Tipton
Cecil Tipton
All of Route 1 Huntsville

Mrs. James Moore(Evans GA)
Mrs. Wilson Moon(New Hope, AL)
Mrs. Dewey L Boyett(Hillsboro, TN)

Lindsay Tipton(Elora AL)
William Henry Tipton(Meridianville, AL)
Marvin Tipton (Route 4 Fayetteville)

Sister:  Mrs. Martha Moss(Hazel Green AL)
7 Grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

Active Pallbearers:

Wilburn Moss
Dewey L Boyett
Wilson Moon
James Moore
William Pierce
Roy Uptain.

"John F Tipton's Rites held Today," The Huntsville Times(Huntsville, Alabama), 13 Feb 1950, p. 8 col 8, digital images, ( : accessed 17 Oct 2021).

Ethel Evelyn Tipton is Mrs. Dewey L Boyett
Allene Victoria Tipton is Mrs. Wilson Moon
Bertha Arietta Tipton is Mrs. James Moore

Allie Moss Tipton is kin to me thru our William Acuff and Magdeline Hall.  They are her Great grandparents(she descends thru their daughter Martha Ellen Acuff Thomas Pierce).  They are my  4th Great Grandparents(I descend thru their son Jonathan Acuff)

I was inspired to look for other descendants of Martha when one appeared as a hint in my Thrulines at AncestryDNA.

This 2C3R( Allie Moss Tipton) and her husband are buried in the same cemetery as my maternal grandparents.  The parents of my maternal grandmother are also buried in the same cemetery.  My maternal grandfather's Dad and his stepmom are buried in Charity Cemetery as well.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Thank You, Charlie and Alice!

I frequently blog about the Y DNA line of my Dad and my research attempts to find the connection between my Patrilineal 2nd Great Grandfather and the other Cooks we match which includes the male line of Shem Cooke(d. 1796 in Granville Co. North Carolina)  While I've done some analysis and research of the others we match and looked for others researching those lines it's been a struggle not only due to the Cook(e) surname being a common one but the given names which they use which you would think would be uncommon(Rowland, Claiborne, Shem...), get used multiple times in each generation.  This happens so much that it's hard to figure out the immediate family in which they belong.  It's great when I can find the work of other researchers and see their take on things.  This post is a "thank you" to a number of  those people.

Thank you to Charles G. Cooke who wrote up the information he'd gathered in his self published book, Many Cooke's and their Broth. Charles G Cooke was a descendant of Old Shem thru Shem(d. 1862 Carroll Co GA) and his wife Temperance Blackwell thru their son Rowland Bryant Cook.   He'd published his work in the late 1960s before I was born and abt 20+ years before I began my research.  I first heard about him having published his work almost 5 years ago when I received the results of my brother's YDNA test.  At the time it was a Y37 which had plenty of matches to the Cook(e) Family.  Later I'd upgraded to 67 Marker, 111 Marker and eventually the Big Y700.  As part of my search to learn more about our YDNA line I had searched Ancestry Message Boards trying to find others who were researching Shem Cooke and happened upon mention of Charles' work and thankfully was able to obtain a copy. As it happens Charles G. Cooke was the paternal 1st cousin of my brother's closest Cook(e) YDNA match.  I'd also like to thank that YDNA tester who is deceased although I won't mention his name here.(His test is listed in his wife's name which initially was somewhat confusing)  The Family History library has access to Charles' self-published book.

Thank you to Alice Wright Algood.  Alice published her article about Shem Cooke's descendants in a Maury Co TN Quarterly publication in March of 1996. I'd been doing searches for "Shem Cooke" and a Google Alert pointed me to an item that had been on Amazon.  I was able to get enough information about the item to tell it was a historical quarterly.  I took this information and searched on the Tennessee State Library and Archives site to see if they had a copy of the publication.  Fortunately they did and I was able to order a copy of the article.  Alice was a descendant of Shem Cooke(d. 1796 NC) thru his daughter Falicia/Phalisa If you get the opportunity check out Alice's Find A Grave memorial.  She was truly a remarkable lady..

I'm grateful that these people took the time to write up and publish their research.  I've found errors in both works however that in no way takes from the overall usefulness of their publication.  I have access to more records than they had and neither of them were able to take advantage of the information which DNA research provides.  I'm still trying to find the connecting lines for my Cookes and many other of my families but I am so thankful for their published works.  I hope this will inspire the current generation of researchers to write about your research.  Also if you have a common surname, use DNA testing--YDNA, autosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA (where applicable)  


Cooke, Charles G. 1967. Many Cooke's and their broth; [a genealogical outline of the Cooke family of Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama.

Algood, Alice Wright. 'Shem Cooke and his Family in Granville and Franklin Counties, North Carolina'. Historic Maury-a Quarterly Publication of the Maury County Historical Society 32, no. 1 (Mar 1996): 12-29.

Friday, October 08, 2021

Joseph Cook--Franklin Co GA 1785

The warrant in this folder is likely one of those included in an previous post(here) I did about the Joseph Cook entries in the records for Greene, Franklin, and Wilkes Co GA although it looks like this one has been transferred.

Folder Labels

Cook, Joseph

1 Warrants


 Lindsay, John
Taylor, Grant
Long, Nimrod
Shelman, Michael


Georgia to John Gorham Esq. County Surveyor for the County of Franklin

You are hereby authorized and required to admeasure and lay out, or cause to be admeasured and laid out, unto Joseph Cook a Tract of Land, which shall contain Nine Hundred and Twenty Acres, in the said county of Franklin, On the Bounty certificates of William Davis, William Anderson, William Lewis, & Benjamin Allen


Taking special care that the same has not heretofore been laid out to any person or persons; and you are hereby also directed and required to record the Plat of the same in your Office: and transmit a copy thereof, together with this Warrant, to the Surveyor General, within Six months from this Date.  Given under my Hand, as Senior Justice of Said County, this 6th Day of June 1785

Walker Richardson C F C

On outer side of Warrant

Middle Panel

Joseph Cook
920 Acre

Right Panel

Franklin County } To the worshipfull Court of
Now Selling your Petitioner Joseph Cook prayeth that the within warrant be renewed in John Pope's name and your Petitioner will ever pray

Joseph Cook

Source:  "Georgia, Headright and Bounty Land Records, 1783-1909," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 May 2014), Headright and bounty documents 1783-1909, Cone, Aaron-Cooner, James > image 472-474 of 546; Georgia State Archives, Morrow.

Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Tennessee Ferguson Hill(1862-1946)

 Mrs. Tennessee Hill Funeral Tomorrow

Mrs. Tennessee Hill, 83, died last night at her home at 421 South Buckeye.

Mrs. Hill was born in Bedford County, Tenn., and had been a resident of Allen county since 1930. She was a member of the First Methodist church.

She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Sophia Boyce of Unionville, Tenn.

Funeral Services will be at the Sleeper chapel tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Lynn Rupert will conduct the services and burial will be in Highland cemetery.

Source:  The Iola Register(Iola, Kansas) 12 March 1946 p. 1 col 3.

She was the daughter of James C Ferguson and Susan Carson.  Susan married a 2nd time and Tennie is listed as Tennessee Cook in the home of her stepfather in 1870 & 1880 Bedford Co TN.  She moves with them to Ozark, Arkansas and marries there in 1886.  While her death notice says that she has been a resident of Allen Co since 1930, I was able to find her in a city directory there in 1912 listed as a housekeeper.  She is also listed in several of the Kansas State Censuses one of which notes her as the niece of the head of household George H Solifelt.  I found George's obituary at and it details the time that he and his niece arrived in Iola.  I have not been able to figure out how she is his niece as of yet.  Perhaps he was married to a sibling of one of her parents rather than being kin by blood.  Will address that in another blog post.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Postcard with McElroy TN Postmark

Found a postcard that was postmarked from McElroy TN on Ebay and sent by a McElroy cousin. Listing the information on the postcard below with a little bit of background on it's sender.

Information from a Postcard on Ebay
Postcard Front Subject: Picture of Vanderbilt University
Printer:  Souvenir Post Card Co. New York Printed in Germany (20729)
Postmarked McElroy, Tenn April 22 1909 A.M.
From: B.E. McElroy McElroy TN
To: Miss L W Schumacker
415-419 No. Main St
Santa Ana California
Message: Glad to exchange views with you. Write again.

B E McElroy (my 1C3R)
Bertram E(Eanes according to his Military file) McElroy was the son of Andrew J McElroy and Emma Steakley.  He was at one time the postmaster of McElroy TN.  That PO was discontinued around the time of WWI and mail from then on went thru the Quebeck P.O.  He is among those in a 20 Sep 1917 article in The Tennessean whose exemption claims were denied. Bertram went on to serve in the US Army's 82 Division(Ser # 1895080) Departing 25 Apr 1918 on the ship Caronia from New York NY and listing his sister Sarah McElroy as his next of kin.  He worked as a traveling grocery salesman and as far as I know never married.  He died May 23, 1926 from a skull fracture which according to his death certificate he sustained when he was knocked down by an auto truck on May 20th.  

  • Post card listed on Ebay sent by subject
  • "More Certified Lists Announced--District Board Continues Work of Deciding Appeals for Exemption" The Tennessean(Nashville, Tennessee) 20 Sep 1917  p. 2 col 4.
  • The National Archives at College Park; College Park, Maryland; Record Group Title: Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774-1985; Record Group Number: 92; Roll or Box Number: 401; Imaged at U.S., Army Transport Service Arriving and Departing Passenger Lists, 1910-1939 > Outgoing > Coronia > 25 Apr 1918-14 Jul 1918 > Image 349 of 1192.
  • 1900 United States Federal Census: Imaged at Tennessee > Van Buren > District 1 Enumeration District: 0133 p. 3 sheet 3B  Image 9 of 12.
  • 1910 United States Federal Census: Imaged at Tennessee > Van Buren > District 1 Enumeration District: 0170 p. 2 Sheet 2a  Image 3 of 7.
  • 1920 United States Federal Census; Imaged at Tennessee > Warren > McMinnville > Enumeration District: 0125 p. 25 sheet 1a Image 1 of 59.
  • Tennessee State Library and Archives; Nashville, Tennessee; Tennessee Death Records, 1908-1958; Roll Number: 6; Imaged at as Tennessee, U.S., Death Records, 1908-1965, Death Certificates  > Warren > 1926 > Image 112 of 272.

Obituaries: Andrew Lee Gibson & Fannie Cora Jakes Gibson

I've been going thru folders and binders looking over copies of things I ordered when I first started researching my family history in 1990.  Around that time I sent a letter to the Shelbyville Time-Gazette or the library in Shelbyville(I can't remember which one and don't still have the envelope) and got a copy of the obituaries of my Paternal Grandmother's sister Cora Jakes Gibson and her husband, Andrew Lee Gibson.  The image I have included with this blog post is a side by side screenshot of the two copies of the obituaries.  The information within the two obituaries is included below.  

Andrew Lee Gibson Dies in Hamilton Ohio

Andrew Lee Gibson, 77, died this morning in Hamilton, Ohio following a long illness.
Funeral Services will be held Thursday at 4 pm from the chapel of he Gowen funeral Home. The Rev. Homer A Cate will officiate and burial will follow in Willow Mount Cemetery.

Mr. Gibson was a native of Bedford County and had lived in Shelbyville until he moved to Hamilton a year and a half ago.

He is survived by this wife, Mrs. Cora Jakes Gibson of Hamilton; 

Two Sons Lytle and Preston Gibson of Shelbyville
Four Daughter Mrs. Irene Wagster and Eunice Osteen of Hamilton
Mrs. Verna Waster and Mrs. Leona Uselton of Shelbyville
Four Brothers, Dee Gibson of Bell Buckle John Gibson of Normandy, Estell and Joe Gibson of Beech Grove and by 9 grand children and four great grandchildren.
The body was to arrived late today or tonight at the Gowen Funeral home.

Source:   Shelbyville Times-Gazette Wed. 17 Jan. 1951 Edition

Mrs. Gibson, 81, Dies. Services to Be On Thursday

Mrs. Fannie Cora Gibson, 81, died Monday night at her home on Hay Rd. after a long illness.
Funeral services will be at 4 p.m. Thursday at Gowen-Smith Chapel. Burial will be in Willow Mount Cemetery.

A native of Rutherford County, Mrs. Gibson was the daughter o he late James Jakes and Thelitha Ann Frizzell Jakes. Her husband Andrew Lee Gibson died in 1951. She was a member of the Hoover's Gap Baptist Church.

Surviving are 
Four Daughters, Mrs. Irene Wagster and Mrs. Eunice Osteen, both of Hamilton, Ohio
Mrs. Verna Wagster of Shelbyville(TN) and Mrs. Leone Whiteside of New Smyrna Beach, Fla.
Two Sons Lytle Gibson of the Flat Creek Community and Preston Gibson with whom she resided.
Two Sisters Mrs. Pearl Cooke and Mrs. Lula Gibson both of Nashville.
Two Brothers, Will Jakes and Euless Jakes, both of Old Hickory; 10 Grandchildren 16 Great Grandchildren and one Great Great grandchild.

Source:  Shelbyville Times-Gazette Wed. 7 Apr 1965 Edition

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Outline of Williams vs William Putman, Zephaniah Anglin & others

 Page by Page Outline of Williams vs William Putman, Zephaniah Anglin & others

1.  Cover page State of TN Rutherford Co 11th Judicial Circuit Judge James C Mitchell

  Mon. 6th of Oct. 1834--Robert Williams(Complainant) vs. William Putman, Zephaniah Anglin(Defendants)  Orig. of Injunction Bill Filed 7th Oct 1829

Case Description:  

2. Continuing Case Description:

 Sworn Statement by Plaintiff, Subpoena & Injunction Bond.

3.  Injunction & Subpoena to Answer

4.  Amended Bill of Complaint, Prosecution Bond

5. Injunction Issued 22 Oct 1830 Zephaniah Anglin recovered against Robert Williams at an August Term 1830(Rutherford Co TN) and Williams filed this injunction    Two Subpoenas to Answer Issued 22 Oct 1830  one served on William Putman & one on Zephaniah Anglin.

6.  Zephaniah Anglin Subpoena continued.  Putman's Answer Filed Jan Rules 1831 detailing his version of what happened.

7.  Putman's Answer continued.  Anglin's Answer Filed Jan. Rules 1831

8.  Anglin's Answer continued.

9.  Dissolution of injunction.  Refunding

10.  October Rules 1831 Set for hearing

April Term 1832 On affidavit of def. Putman's case is opened for proof until the next term and ordered that the Defendants pay the cost of the term and the depositions to be taken between this and the next term.  October Term 1832--Complainant granted leave to amend his bill and to pay the costs of taking all the depositions in this cause up to this time

Amended Bill Filed Oct Term 1832  Honorable James C. Mitchell Judge Robert Williams amended cause to say that the horse was still owned by Anglin when Putman sold him to Williams and that there was a deliberate attempt to commit fraud.

11.  Issued 13 April 1833-- A subpoena received by Sheriff William G Childress 26th May 1833 and served on William Putman 6th June 1833. to appear at the courthouse in Murfreesboro the first Monday in July next.  A subpoena was also received 24th May 1833 and served on Zephaniah Anglin 5 June 1833. October Rules 1833 Amended bill taken for confessed Objection filed to amend bill and set down for agreement.  April Term 1834 Objection overruled Defendants refused to answer... amended bill. Interlocutory Decree--Wm Putman & Z. Anglin combined together to practice a fraud on Williams thru selling him an unsound horse.

12. (Interlocutory Decree cont) Defendants ordered to pay the difference to WIlliams in what he paid for the horse and it’s actual worth.  Clerk and master is ordered to determine and report the amount paid by Williams to the defendant less the actual worth of the horse plus interest. Objection to Amended Bill filed Oct Term 1833

13. Continuing the objection which gives details of the timeline of the court case by Anderson & Hoover for the Defendants Final Decree Oct Term 1834.  $186.56 Owed by Defend. To Williams. 

14. Continuation of the final decree with defendants ordered to pay court costs.  Richard Ransom(surety for def.) also mentioned.  Anglin appeals to State Supreme Court of Errors 

A listing of those who gave deposition on 16th March 1833 at the home of James Sanford J.P.

Dennis Lark, John Toomes, John Coleman and Charles A Frensly(Lists their ages)  Frensley & Larks depositions

15. Coleman and Toomes Depositions Along with the notarized statement from James Sanford JP

16. John Smotherman's Deposition

17.  Wm Vensin  24th March 1832 ….Amanuel Tombs Deposition Anderson Vaughn Deposition

18.  Anderson Vaughn’s Depo cont. James Sanford Deposition

19. Wm Vinson taking sworn statement from James Sanford about depositions taken by Sanford at smith shop of William Gilliam Esq in Murfreesboro on the Sept 5th 1831 parties included Samuel Anglin, Absolom Vickery, Noah Putman, BarnaB Haley and William C Cook

Samuel Anglin’s statement

20.Absalom Vickery’s Deposition,  Noah’s Putman’s Deposition

21.Noah Putman’s Deposition continued.  William C Cook’s Deposition

22.William C Cook’s Deposition continued.  At the home of Daniel Dwiggins in Bedford Co TN 24 of March 1832 William Deason, John Jackson, Enoch Rushing, David Pounds, Daniel Dwiggins, Charles Coursey, John B Coursey, Anderson Anglin, William Taylor gave depositions.  Wm. Deason’s Deposition

23.  Wm Deason’s Deposition continued John Jackson’s Deposition.  Enoch D Rushing’s Deposition. David Pounds’ Deposition.

24. David Pounds deposition continues Wm Taylor’s Deposition,  Charles Coursey Deposition

25.  Charles Coursey Deposition continued.  John B Coursey Deposition(bro of Charles)

26.  Daniel Dwiggen’s Deposition Anderson Anglin’s Deposition

27. Jas. N Lile certification of Depositions of Wm Deason, Enoch D Rushing, David Pounds, Wm Taylor, Charles Coursey, John B Coursey, Daniel Dwiggins and Anderson Anglin.  Yancy Stokes Deposition

28. Yancy Stokes' Deposition continued. Richard Davidson’s Deposition

29.  Richard Davidson’s Deposition continued.  John B Nixon Deposition John Tombs Deposition

30.  John Toomes' Deposition continued.  15th day of September 1834 personally appeared before me Richard Ledbetter Clerk and Master of the Circuit Court of said county James Sanford, John B Nixon, Charles A Frensley and Pleasant Puckett all of lawful age witnesses on the part of the complainant and also William B Dotson witness on the part of the defendant, in the suit in Equity now pending in said Circuit Court, wherein Robert Williams complainant, William Putman and Zephaniah Anglin defendants.   Statements of James Sanford, John B Nixon and beginning of Charles A Frensley’s statement.

31.  Charles Frensley's statement continued.  Pleasant Puckett’s statement. Wm B Dotson statement.

32. 16th  of July 1831 at the store of Tho S Anthony.  Witnesses Deposed:  John C C Vernon, Richard Davidson, John Burnett Coursey and Charles A Frensley  Richard Davidson’s Deposition 

33.  John Burnett Coursey’s Deposition.  John C C Vernon Deposition.  Charles A Frensley’s Deposition

34.  Charles A Frensley’s Deposition concludes. Certification of Depositions by J. Sandford

35.  Richard Ledbetter Certification of Transcript

36.  Wrapper of Case Transcript

37. Statement of Decree with signatures of Zephaniah Anglin, Sam Anglin, and Lemuel Ransom.  Certified a True Copy by Richard Ledbetter 2 of Jan 1835

38. Opinion

39. Wrapper of Opinion

40. Statement of Decree

41. Wrapper of Decree

Source: Williams vs. Putman--TN State Supreme Court Case Middle District Ordered from TN State Library & Archives via Delivery(Jan 2, 2019) via email of scanned digital images(PDF) 41 pages. (Location at TSLA Range: 33 Section: A Shelf: 2 Box Number: 375)
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