Sunday, September 10, 2023

J.G. Cook & D.V. Putnam--guests at Broadway House Hotel

The "From the Hotels" section of the paper for 13th September 1888 listed several familiar names among those at the Broadway House hotel.   J. G. Cook is Jefferson Gideon Cook(son of Wm C Cook and Elizabeth Putman) and D V Putnam is J. G. Cook's 1st cousin(the son of William Putman, brother of Elizabeth.)  David Vance spelled his surname as Putnam rather than Putman.  If, as some believe, Wm Putman's wife was the sister of Wm C. Cook, then Gideon and David Vance were double 1st cousins.  According to the 1888 city directory L W. Russell was the proprietor of the Broadway House hotel which was located at 413 Broadway.

Broadway House
Chas. Arnholt, St. Louis, MO
P. C. Snyder, St Joe, MO
W. M. Davis, Lasea
A. J. Redditt and wife,
Miss Moss, Riddleton
Harry V. Cooper, Wartrace
D. McDowald, Louisville
R. A. Smith, Columbia
W. H. Rhoads, Westmoreland
T. N. Moss, Echo
J. F. Carr, Hartsville
J. F. Duffer, Echo
W. H. Herman, Chattanooga
J. L. Jordan, Triune
J. W. Nowlen, Holt's Corner
Wm. Smith, Moodyville
S. B Smith, Bagdad
J. J. Bingham, Bingham
C. D. Kirkpatrick, Southall
W. J. Stallings, Palmetto
J. W. Osteen, Chapel Hill
W. W. Tullos
D. H. Roberts, Rock Hill
Chas. Biles, Franklin
D.V. Putnam, Nolensville
J. G. Cook, Eagleville
I. S. Page, Triune
T. Sanderson
R. M. Sanford, Nolensville
M. G. Corlett
J. B Reee(sic), Reed's Store
J. P. Barksdale, Celina
J. C. Rodgers, Wailes Station
E. P. Frazier, Godwin
J. H. McLerran, Celina

"At The Hotels," Broadway House, The Tennessean, 13 Sep 1888, P. 3, col 5; digital images, ( : accessed 10 Sep 2023).

"U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995," digital image, Ancestry ( : accessed 10 September 2023) Tennessee > Nashville > 1888 > Image 87 of 474.

Sunday, September 03, 2023

Sheriff's Sale--Land of Joseph Shropshire(Warren Co. TN--1st Oct 1831)

By virtue of an order of sale, issued and to me
directed from the county court of Warren, I shall
expose to public sale to the highest bidder for
cash, at the court-house door in the town of Mc-
Minnville, on the first day of October next, all the
right, title, claim and interest that Joseph Shrop-
shire has in and to ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF
LAND, lying and beng in the county of Warren and
state of Tennessee, on the road leading from Spar-
ta to Liberty, with some improvements on it, to=

Beginning on a chesnut, running north to two
poplars; thence west to a stake; thence south to a
stake; thence east to the beginning.

The above described land was levien(sic) on at the-
nstance of William H. Moss, to satisfy a judg-
ment which he recovered against the said Joseph
Shropshire and Thomas Sherley.

of Warren county
August 20-- St. Printers fee $3 50.

"Sheriff Sales," Sparta Recorder and Law Journal, 01 Oct 1831, p.2 col. 3; digital images, : accessed 03 September 2023.)

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