Sunday, February 02, 2025

Jas Hitchcock Land--Warren Co TN(1840)

This survey was recorded in the Plat Book just before the Spring of 1840.  James and Lottie's daughter, Nancy A Hitchcock(my 2nd great-grandmother) would be born in Sept of that same year.

March 9, 1840
Jas. Hitchcock 25 acres
State of Tennessee
Warren County
by Scale of 55 poles per inch
surveyed the 18th of Feb 1840 for James
Hitchcock twenty-five acres of land. by virtue of an
entry bearing date the 1st of February 1838 No 4580 Situ
ate in said county on the waters of Collins River. Beg'G on a
white oak Wm Tucks Corner running east with his line twenty-six poles
to Walnut then north sixty (degrees) West with Mountain thirty-two poles to Poplar
on Higginbotham's lines, and with it south fifteen (degrees) west seventy-six pole to
hickory then south fifty-five (degrees) east sixteen poles to hornbeam then south
seventy-six (degrees) east forty-eight poles to red bud ___?___  a corner of a 100
acre survey in the name of George Hitchcock then north forty-four (degrees) east sixty
seven poles to white oak. Then, north sixty-eight (degrees) and west eighty-six poles are to beg. g
Lewis Thomas & Jas Hitchcock CC
A Higginbotham PS.

This entry called for 50 acres

Warren Co TN Plat Book November 1839–December 1894, Vol 4, p 13, Jas Hitchcock Plat;
FamilySearch ( : accessed 2 February 2025), IGN 7901843, image 733 of 868.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Error in Announcement of Lodge Name Change

On motion of W C Cook Black Vale(sic) Lodge No. 413 was changed to Versailles Lodge No. 413

Please note that the lodge was the Rockvale Lodge, not Black Vale.


"Masonic Jurisprudence," Nashville Union and American(Nashville, TN) 15 Nov 1871 p 4 col 3; Library of Congress ( : accessed 1 Feb 2025.)

Friday, January 31, 2025

Toone Institute 1892 Spring Term Ad

The following ad(transcribed below)  ran in the summer issues of the Bolivar Bulletin in 1891.  

Toone Institute

Toone, Tenn.


Thorough Academic course.
Board and tuition moderate.
Fall Term commences Mon-
day, Aug. 31st.; Spring term
Commences Monday, Janua-
ry 18th, 1892. Send for Cat-
alogue to either J. F. McGee
Sec'y of Board, Toone, Tenn.,
or J. K. Cook, Principal,
postoffice through June and
July, Eaglevill, Tenn.

"Toone Institute," The Bolivar Bulletin(Boliver, Hardeman Co TN) 5 Jun 1891 p 2 col 4; Library of Congress ( accessed 31 January 2025.)

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Warren Co. TN Newspapers at FamilySearch

Southern Standard(McMinnville, TN) --As explained in the catalog entries, this is not all-inclusive, some issues are missing. Still an excellent selection of issues of the Southern Standard available for free with a FamilySearch Username(registration is free.)  I sometimes use the IGN to search a specific roll via FamilySearch's  Full-Text Search

Description--Date & Image Group Number
(22 Nov. 1879)-v. 28, no. 30 (25 May 1907)                         8952788
Vol. 19, no. 7 (18 Dec. 1897)-v. 55, no. 30 (20 Sept. 1934) 8964042
(21 Feb. 1880)-v. 6, no. 37 (1 Aug. 1885)                         8992348
Vol. 6, no. 38 (8 Aug. 1885)-v. 9, no. 44 (22 Sept. 1888) 8992349
Vol. 9, no. 45 (29 Sept. 1888)-v. 12, no. 51 (7 Nov. 1891) 8992350
Vol. 12, no. 52 (14 Nov. 1891)-v. 16, no. 5 (15 Dec. 1894) 8992351
Vol. 16, no. 6 (22 Dec. 1894)-v. 19, no. 6 (11 Dec. 1897) 8992352
Vol. 55, no. 31 (27 Sept. 1934)-v. 58, no. 48 (17 Sept. 1937) 8992353
Vol. 58, no. 49 (24 Sept. 1937)-v. 61, no. 27 (19 Apr. 1940) 8992354
Vol. 61, no. 28 (26 Apr. 1940)-v. 64, no. 9 (11 Dec. 1942) 8992355
Vol. 64, no. 9 (11 Dec. 1942)-v. 66, no. 43 (10 Aug. 1945) 8992356
Vol. 66, no. 44 (17 Aug. 1945)-v. 68, no. 40 (8 Aug. 1947) 8992357
Vol. 68, no. 40 (8 Aug. 1947)-v. 70, no. 10 (14 Jan. 1949) 8992358
Vol. 70, no. 11 (21 Jan. 1949)-v. 71, no. 22 (7 Apr. 1950) 8992359
Vol. 71, no. 23 (14 Apr. 1950)-v. 72, no. 34 (29 June 1951) 8992360
Vol. 72, no. 34 (29 June 1951)-v. 73, no. 43 (4 Sept. 1952) 8992361
Vol. 73, no. 43 (4 Sept. 1952)-v. 74, no. 49 (15 Oct. 1953) 8992362
Vol. 74, no. 50 (22 Oct. 1953)-v. 75, no. 52 (11 Nov. 1954) 8992363
Vol. 75, no. 52 (11 Nov. 1954)-v. 78, no. 13 (28 Dec. 1956) 8992364
Vol. 78, no. 14 (1 Jan. 1957)-v. 78, no. 96 (25 Oct. 1957) 8992365
Vol. 78, no. 96 (25 Oct. 1957)-v. 79, no. 71 (1 Aug. 1958) 8992366
Vol. 79, no. 72 (5 Aug. 1958)-v. 80, no. 9 (30 Dec. 1958) 8992367
Vol. 80, no. 10 (2 Jan. 1959)-v. 80, no. 79 (1 Sept. 1959) 8966291
Vol. 80, no. 80 (4 Sept. 1959)-v. 81, no. 9 (29 Dec. 1959) 8966290
Vol. 81, no. 10 (1 Jan. 1960)-v. 81, no. 86 (23 Sept. 1960) 8986542
Vol. 81, no. 87 (27 Sept. 1960)-v. 82, no. 9 (30 Dec. 1960) 8986543

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Representation for our boys Tom and Clarence(1913)

Several weeks ago I found a trust deed signed by my Great-Grandparents, William Green Cook and wife Jane B King Cook. The trust deed was made to secure representation for their two sons, Tom and Clarence. It was also noted that the hearing was on the 10th of January 1913 in Christiana, TN. So what was this all about?

I searched all the Rutherford County court records for the period available on FamilySearch but found nothing about it or from the Christiana court. I contacted the Rutherford Co TN archives and told them what I had searched. They searched for that time frame in the additional records but came up empty-handed. There was a gap in the local newspapers for that time, so unless it was something big, it likely would not have made the surrounding area papers.

We have reached the conclusion that it was something minor. My Grandfather was their son, Tom. This would have been 10 months into his marriage to my grandmother and a little over a week after their daughter Magnus was born. W. H. Crowley was the attorney they secured. I'm not sure if any of his papers survive. That may be my only hope to find out what this was all about.

Tom & Clarence Cook
Rutherford Co TN Trust Deeds, Vol O p 126, Trust Deed W G Cook & Wife to W. H. Crowell; FamilySearch ( : accessed 18 January 2025), IGN 8332413, Image 69 of 648.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Hugh Clawson's guardian documents in Franklin Co. Arkansas(1881)

I found another document mentioning James P. Cook(son of Wm C & Elizabeth Putman Cook). The file that contains the document is labeled Hugh Clawson.  Hugh was the 1st husband of James P Cook's stepdaughter, Tennessee "Tennie" Ferguson.  I've written about Tennie many times in the last few years.  These documents exist because Hugh needed a guardian to give permission to marry since he was not yet 21 and had no living parents.  Since he was over 14, he was allowed to choose his guardian and he chose C.M. Duncan. James P. Cook signed the bond with C. M Duncan. Hugh and Tennie married the next day.  In January of 1886, Tennie filed for and was granted a divorce from Hugh on the grounds of desertion.

Franklin Co Arkansas Probate Court Records 1835-1958
Clawson, Hugh minor 1881 3 papers
IGN 7117451 Image 744-49 of 2050

Image 744:  Folder Clawson, Hugh minor 1881 3 papers

Image 745:  Application: In the Franklin Probate Court
To Hon A E Cope Probate Judge of Franklin Co
Your Petitioner Hugh Clawson
would respectfully represent unto your honor
that he is a minor under the age of
twenty-one years being at this time twenty
years old,. that he has no father or mother
now living that he has any knowledge of and
had no property either real or personal.
He further states that he has no guardian
and desires that your honor may op-
point one for him and being over the age
of fourteen years and entitled under the law
to select his own guardian, he has therefore
chosen C.M. Duncan of Franklin County
Arkansas and prays that your honor
will appoint him his guardian until
he arrives at his majority or until he
may marry and he will ever pray etc.
Hugh Clawson

Sworn and subscribed to before me this
14th day of Nov 1881
J. O Alston clk

Image 746:  Application of Hugh Clawson to have C M Duncan appointed Guardian Filed Nov 14th 1881 J O Alston clk Granted Feby term 1882

Image 747:  Guardian Bond: State of Arkansas County of Franklin C. M. Duncan appointed Guardian Approved Nov 14th 1881 J. O. Alston Jas. P Cook listed/

Image 748: Back of Guardian Bond-- C.M. Duncan Guardian for Hugh Clawson
Filed Nov 14th, 1881 J. O. Alston Clk
for marriage license
Approved Feb Term 1882 A E Cope Judge

Image 749:  C. M. Duncan appointed Guardian of Hugh Clawson after entering bond of $100 by James O Alston Clk of Circuit Court Franklin Co Arkansas