Friday, December 31, 2021

Dupont Research Resources

In researching my paternal grandparents I have been studying anything to do with Dupont and their Old Hickory TN location where my grandparents lived.  The Nashville Archives and the Tennessee State Library and Archives both have a Dupont Collection.  The links below take you to a PDF listing of each archives collection.  

Dupont Collection(Old Hickory, TN) Summary of items at the Nashville Archives.

Dupont Collection(Old Hickory, TN) Summary of items at TN State Library and Archives(TSLA)

The Hagley Museum also has a good bit on Dupont some of which includes pictures from Old Hickory. Also, there are a number of pages on Facebook dedicated to Old Hickory which post pictures and articles of historical significance 

Books In My Personal Library

  • Dutton, William S. 1951. DuPont: one hundred and forty years. New York: Scribner's.
  • E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. 1952. Dupont, the autobiography of an American enterprise. Wilmington, Del: Du Pont.

I've also been working on my Old Hickory TN--Dupont tree which is currently at Ancestry. It's a public tree but  requires being subscribed to Ancestry or viewing from your library's Ancestry acct.  At some point this may change if I can find a host that meets my needs so that I can get it out there for all who are interested.

Please feel free to leave a comment or email me at my Google email acct (rmbeckman) if you have comments or questions about the Old Hickory community during its time as a company town.  I'd love to hear from  you.  

Note: I intend to add to this post as new resources become available.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Williamson Co. TN--Dist 25(1836-1840)--D-H

Over the past few years I've been studying Williamson Co TN Dist. 25 in hopes that knowing how the families were interconnected will help me to find a lead and break thru my Cook brickwall.  I've been using a spreadsheet to pull together my notes and information on this community so that I had somewhere to quickly look for notes on the families if they showed up in any other parts of my research. I'm publishing this to my blog in the hopes of finding other researchers interested in the area and time period that the information here might help.  This portion contains families who were living in or taxed in District 25 of Williamson Co TN during the years 1836-1840 whose surnames begin with D-H.  When possible I've noted connections in neighboring districts.  Simply put, there is a lot of overlap of families between Williamson Co TN Dist. 25,  the Versailles and Eagleville area of Rutherford Co TN and Bedford Co TN Dist. 10(Rover). Also please note that anyone listed as NOT enumerated in District 25 should probably read not listed as Head of Household in Williamson Co. TN District 25.  They may be within another household OR they may not be enumerated at all within the district for a number of reasons. 

A-C           D-H            J-L          M-P           R-S           T-Z

Davis--Goodwin Davis is on Dist. 25 Tax list for 1838 but was listed on the Dist. 10 Rutherford Co Tax list for 1837.   There is a Goodwin Davis(b. NC) enumerated in 1860 in Bedford Co Dist. 18 with a rather large family.  That Goodwin Davis' wife was a Henrietta Davis(maiden name unknown) Additionally Mrs. H. Davis(1840 Census-Williamson Co TN Dist 25)

Dillard--James(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836) Could he be the one buried in Beechgrove(Coffee Co) d. 1839

Eggleston--Edward C(Dist. 25 Tax List 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839) John W(Tax List 1838, 1839) I believe these Egglestons are connected to those in May Community of Rutherford Co TN in the 1850  There are some which are in Moore & Franklin Co later on which I believe are also from this family.

Fagin-- John(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1839) I think this is likely John S Fagan who married Mary Elizabeth Smith.  They were the parents of Thomas Henry Fagan and grandparents of Urban B Fagan & John Walter Fagan, Maggie T Fagan & Richard Owen Fagan.

Fear--William(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1838) There is a Wm Fears on 1820 Rutherford Co TN Census Could be connected.

Ford/Foard--William(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1839) Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.  There is a Wm Ford who marries Isabella Hill in 1843 Williamson Co TN

Gillespie--James D (Dist. 25 Tax List 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 and enumerated there on the 1840 Census) He was the maternal uncle of Susan Carson(2nd wife of James Cook-son of Wm Clifford Cook & Elizabeth Putman) 

Haley--Carrol B Haley(Dist. 25 Tax list for 1838 & 1839.Enumerated there in 1840.)  His father Barnabas is on Bedford Co TN Dist. 10 Tax list for the year 1837.  Barnabas was involved in the Williams/Putman & Anglin case.  Carroll married Catherine Lamb. The wife of Barnabas(Carroll's mother) was Nancy Coursey and the Coursey family was also involved in the aforementioned court case.

Hall--Anderson (Dist. 25 Tax List:  1837, 1838 & 1839) He along with John Landrum(b-i-l) are Executors of John Hall Sr. will.

Halstead/Holstead--Benj. & John(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837) Miles(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1838)  Joseph (Tax List: 1838 & Enumerated in 1840) Susan Halstead is on Tax List of 1839 and is likely the Mrs. Holstead enumerated on the 1840 Census of Williamson Co TN Dist. 25. 

Hargrove--William Hargrove is enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840. Likely kin to Hezekiah  and Leroy Hargrove/Hardgrove who were in Rutherford Co TN 1810

Haynes--Elizabeth Haynes is enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840. She is living alone and in the 60-under 70 age range.  Near Cannon, Pope, Cole and Lambs.

Height/Hight--Robert A Hight(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1839) John J Hight on 1838 Bedford Co TN Tax List  There are Heights with given names Robert and John in the 1820 Census of Statesville Wilson Co TN along with Patterson, Harris, Cook families.  They descend from John Hight and Eleanor Nichols.  Some of these Hights have Mercer Co KY connections as do the Harris and Cook family

Hendrix--Elisha W & Thomas(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census) Elisha Hendrix' property is mentioned in the deeds of Jabel's land when Wm Putman deeds his and Hiram's lots to Nancy Putman.  Adam Hendrix (Dist.25 Tax List for 1836 &1837).  Mary Hendricks(Dist. 25 Tax List for 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census) She may be the widow of Adam who drops from the list. Newberry SC ancestry.  See Deed Book for the Putman deeds.

Hill--William Hill(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census) Is this the father of J Benjamin Hill?  If so this family is from Granville Co NC. and William Hill was enumerated there in the 1800 US Federal Census(see History of Versailles).  Wm Hill's property line is also mentioned along with Elisha Hendrix' property line in the deeds that Wm Putman sells or transfers to Nancy Putman that were part of his and Hiram's land inheritance from their father's estate. see deed book

Hogan--John Hogan(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)Lived in Versailles : Married to Lucinda Wood in 1819 b. about 1798. Died in Williamson Co  14 Apr 1856 War of 1812 Pension

Holt--David, Edward & Thomas(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836) There is a Thomas Holt in 1840 Williamson Co TN but the district is a  bit confusing and appears to say "Nineteen First Civil District"

Hood--John Hood(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836) May be connected to the Rutherford Co TN John Hood who married Celia Fuqua in Davidson Co TN and who is enumerated in Rutherford Co in 1850.  Check Bradley Creek Baptist where they were members.

Hopkins--George(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836) married Elizabeth Crick(dau of John Wm Crick) which made him a brother-in-law to several of the Putmans.

Hunt--Robert A (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1838 & 1840 Census) Near Pope, Webb, Crick families in 1840

  • Tennessee, US, Early Tax List Records, 1783-1895
  • Williamson County(Tennessee) Tax Records 1800-1963) Tax records 1831-1845
  • Tennessee State Library and Archives. North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S., Early Land Records, 1753-1931 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.
  • Nance, R. Fred, and John W. Nance. 1983. The History of Versailles, tenth district, and its people. Murfreesboro, Tenn. (P.O. Box 906, Murfreesboro 37130): Rutherford County Historical Society.
  • "United States Census, 1840." Database with images. FamilySearch.
Bedford Co TN.
Rutherford Co TN
Williamson Co TN
  • Rover Historical Society. History of Rover and the 10th district of Bedford County: lest we forget the people and things in our corner of the world. Vol. I(1986), Vol. II(1999). Paducah, Ky: Turner Pub. Co.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Combining W.C. Cook's 1878 Tax listing & 1878 Beers Map location

Using the snipping tool to capture the 1878 Tax Listing for W. C. Cook and the clip tool from the Library of Congress Beers Map of Bedford Co TN Landowners, I've combined those(the red marks on the Tax list were made by me to show the column headers which aren't in view in the snippet)  Nothing fancy but it does provide a visual   Click image to enlarge.


Bedford County (Tenn.). Trustee. 1965. Tax books, 1875-1895, 1897, 1899-1904, 1906-1923, 1925, 1931-1965. Nashville, Tennessee: Restoration and Reproduction Section, Tennessee Department of Education. Imaged at as Tax Books 1878-1881 Film # 477093 Dist 9 1878 Tax Year Image 112 of 774 ( accessed  12 Dec 2021.

Beers, D. G, and D.G. Beers & Co. Map of Bedford County, Tenn. Philadelphia: D.G. Beers & Co, 1878. Map.

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

My Paternal Grandfather's Maternal 1st Cousins

About two years ago I wrote a series of blog posts examining the 1st cousins of my paternal grandmother-- one covering her paternal 1st cousins, and another her maternal 1st cousins.  I'm now finally getting around to writing about my Paternal Grandfather's 1st cousins.  This post focuses on his maternal 1st cousins which would be the grandchildren of  William Benton King and Eliza Jane Manire. My Grandfather Thomas DeWitt Cooke(b. 1888) and his siblings descend thru William and Eliza's daughter, Jane Bell King Cook.  Known Ancestor surnames include Brandon, Harris, Jackson(2), King, Lambert, Manire/Manier, Ogilvie, Patton, and Upshaw. Tom has about 26 maternal 1st cousins  These cousins' dates of birth span the years from about 1866 to  1907 so it is likely that he may have known many of them.  While some of them moved to Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma or Texas, the majority stayed in Rutherford and Bedford County.

I've used census records, death certificates, obituaries, wills, etc. and welcome any corrections.  So... if you are in this branch and can offer any help in untangling I'd be more than glad to hear from you.

Tom's Maternal 1st Cousins: (listed by group)

  • Susanna Rebecca King James' children:  Liza Florence James, William Robert James, Sarah Bell "Sallie" James, Launana H. James, John C James, Margaret J. James, Mase James, Edward Jackson James, Frank James..
  • Minerva May King Fuller's children:  Eliza Jane Fuller Smith, Margaret Fuller Davis
  • W. J King(no issue)
  • Stephen Robert King's children:   Albert Sidney King and Ida Arminta King
  • Margaret Jordon King Foster's children:  Inez Ethel Foster Hudson, Edna Earle Foster Mitchell,  Almeda Duggan Foster Hargett Chapman
  • Richard Nance King's children:  
    • From 1st marriage:  Amasa B King, M.A. King(died before age 3) M.E. King(died before age 3), Joseph Knox King, Eula T.King, Emily Mai King
    • From 2nd marriage:  Richard Lee King, Florence King, Charlie Bryan King, Stephen Robert King.

My Paternal Grandfather's Paternal 1st Cousins

About two years ago I wrote a series of blog posts examining the 1st cousins of my paternal grandmother-- one covering her paternal 1st cousins, and another her maternal 1st cousins.  I'm now finally getting around to writing about my Paternal Grandfather's 1st cousins.  This post focuses on his paternal 1st cousins which would be the grandchildren of  William Clifford Cook and Elizabeth Putman. My Grandfather,  Thomas DeWitt Cooke(b. 1888) and his siblings descend thru William and Elizabeth's son, William Green Cook.  Known Ancestor surnames include Cooke, Joice, Putman, Tyler.

I've used census records, death certificates, obituaries, wills, etc. and welcome any corrections.  There is a lot of intermarriage between the Cook, Epperson, Lamb, Little, Turner & Wheelhouse families. So... if you are in this branch and can offer any help in untangling I'd be more than happy to hear from you.

Tom has about 38 paternal 1st cousins  These cousins' dates of birth span the years from about 1866 to 1907 so it is likely that he knew most of them.  While some of them moved to Arkansas, Illinois and Michigan, the majority stayed in and around Rutherford and Bedford County, TN.

Tom's Paternal 1st Cousins: (listed by group)

  • Minerva Cook Boyce's Children:  Evander Warren Boyce, Joseph Forrest Boyce, Rebecca L Boyce Turner, Humphries Hastings Boyce
  • James Polk Cook's Children:  Harriet Sophie Cook Boyce, Minerva Mae Cook Lamb, Martha L Cook, William Clifford Cook
  • Angeline Cook's Children:  Sally Cook, (unknown-died in childhood) Cook
  • Joseph Knox Cook's Children:  Parrie Elizabeth Cook King, W.M. Cook, Melzora Annis Cook Reid, Joseph Knox Cook Jr., Thomas J Cook, Mary Ella Cook Martin,  E.T. Cook, David Strahl Cook, George Daubey Cook, Cass Green Cook
  • Rebecca Cook(died young no issue)
  • Jefferson Gideon "Doc" Cook's Children:  
    • From 1st Marriage--Robert Lee Cook 
    • From 2nd Marriage--Jefferson Gideon Cook Jr., John Rainey Cook, Cass Buchanan Cook, Martha Annie Cook
    • From 3rd Marriage--Ollie Mai Cook.
  • Elizabeth Cook(died young no issue)
  • David V Cook(died young no issue)
  • Luranie Jane Cook Williams(no issue)
  • Cass Buchanon Cook's children:
    • From 1st Marriage:  Minnie Pearl Cook Lamb, Joseph Alvin "Alvy" Cook, Willie Bogle Cook, Amna Mai Cook Taylor, James Reid Cook, Emett Alrous Cook, 
    • From 2nd Marriage:  Lena C Cook Helsey, Edna Elizabeth Cook Manning, Alla Erin Cook Horton, Edmond Cooper Cook, Daisy Louise Cook Rhinehart, Thomas Clifford Cook

Monday, December 06, 2021

W C Cook Tax listings for 1875-1881 Bedford Co TN Dist. 9

W C Cook on the tax lists from the Bedford Co TN Tax Books for the years covering 1875 1881 which are available at FamilySearch and linked below.  He's in District 9 during these years but if you "flip" thru the pages you can find the other Bedford Co TN districts if you have others in Bedford Co TN that you are researching.   You will need to log in to view the images.  If you don't already have an account you can sign up for one.  It's free..  

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1875-1877 Film # 477092 Dist 9 1875 Tax Year Image 91 of 573

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1875-1877 Film # 477092 Dist 9 1876 Tax Year Image 269 of 573

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1875-1877 Film # 477092 Dist 9 1877 Tax Year Image 465 of 573

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1878-1881 Film # 477093 Dist 9 1878 Tax Year Image 112 of 774

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1878-1881 Film # 477093 Dist 9 1879 Tax Year Image 305 of 774

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1878-1881 Film # 477093 Dist 9 1880 Tax Year Image 494 of 774

Bedford Co TN Tax Books 1878-1881 Film # 477093 Dist 9 1881 Tax Year Image 681 of 774

Saturday, December 04, 2021

Land Sale in Versailles(TN)--1819

Transcribed from an advertisement announcing land for sale in Versailles, Tennessee.  (see source below transcription)

The Town of Versailles.

The undersigned, Trustees, having laid off. 
and agreed to sell
Fifty Half Acre Lots,
In the Above named Town,
will proceed, on the
First Thursday in March next,

On a credit of twelve months, to sell the said
Lots on the premises

Versailles is situate in Williamson
County. adjacent to the place where
the county-lines of Williamson, Rutherford
and Bedford counties unite.--This place, has
heretofore been known by the name of Ray's
Horse Mill. The public road leading from
Florence Through Columbia to Murfreesboro'
passes through Versailles, as also the
roads from Pulaski to Jefferson from Win-
chester to Franklin, and from Nashville to
Shelbyville, etc etc--Versailles is situ-
ate 33 miles from Columbia, 28 miles from
Franklin, 38 miles from Nashville, 18 miles
from Shelbyville, 15 miles from the Fishing
Ford on Duck River, and 14 from Murfrees-

The neighborhood of Versailles taken
as a whole, is happy in its local situation. The
surrounding country produces, not only the
comforts, but the luxuries of life, in the great-
est and most plentiful abundance. This
district seems to possess a peculiar excel-
lence for the culture of cotton and tobacco,
which are its two principal exportable com-
modities. The land is equal to any in the
famed Alabama Territory, and
Could nature's bounty satisfy the breast,
The sons of New Versailles were surely blest.
The "planter's toil" will be as well repaid
by cultivating the soil of this neighborhood
as in any part of the western county. We
forbear, however to expatiate further upon
the advantages of Versailles and its
neighborhood, which all those wishing to sa-
tisfy themselves of, can ascertain by attend-
ing at the day of sale.

It is known that the counties of Ruther-
ford, Williamson, Maury and Bedford, pos-
sess more territory than their constitutional
limits, and if a new county should hereafter
be laid, Versailles will without doubt,
become the seat of justice for the new coun-
ty. With a view to the happening of this
very probable event, the town has been laid
off with a large public square, for the erec-
tion of public buildings, and lots will also be
reserved for the use of an academy, church,
etc. which are given by way of donation by
the proprietors.

The town is watered by several excellent
spring, which never fail in the driest sea-
sons; and in fact, in every other respect,
presents a most handsome opening for the
farmer, the merchant, the speculator and

Francis Jackson
Azariah Kimbro
A B Potts
J.O.K Wood

January 25--54-2w.

Source:  “The Town of Versailles” The Clarion and Tennessee State Gazette, 26 Jan 1819, p. 4, col. 3; digital images, ( : accessed 4 Dec 2021).

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Williamson Co. TN--Dist 25(1836-1840)--A-C

Over the past few years I've been studying Williamson Co TN Dist. 25 in hopes that knowing how the families were interconnected will help me to find a lead and break thru my Cook brick wall.  I've been using a spreadsheet to pull together my notes and information on this community so that I had somewhere to quickly look for notes on the families if they showed up in any other parts of my research. I'm publishing this to my blog in the hopes of finding other researchers interested in the area and time period that the information here might help.  This portion contains families who were living in or taxed in District 25 of Williamson Co TN during the years 1836-1840 whose surnames begin with A-C.  When possible I've noted connections in neighboring districts.  Simply put, there is a lot of overlap of families between Williamson Co TN Dist. 25,  the Versailles and Eagleville area of Rutherford Co TN and Bedford Co TN Dist. 10(Rover). Also please note that anyone listed as NOT enumerated in District 25 should probably read not listed as Head of Household in Williamson Co. TN District 25.  They may be within another household OR they may not be enumerated at all within the district for a number of reasons. 

A-C           D-H            J-L          M-P           R-S           T-Z

Baucom--Wilson Baucom/Bacham(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837 & 1838)  He is the son of Cader Baucom and Susannah Lucy Fowler.  I also believe that his mother is the Susannah Baucom(1777-1840) buried in the Wilson Cemetery near Eagleville. This family was from Wake Co NC.  He married Christina Crick(1820 Williamson County TN)  which makes him the son-in-law of John Wm Crick & Elizabeth Powell Crick.  In 1830 he is enumerated in Maury Co TN near John Hight, Wm Church, Geo. Nixon & Simon S Baker.

Berry--Thomas S. (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837 & 1838).  His wife was Eliza Ann Puckett. Believe he is son of the Thomas Berry who received a NC Land Grant in Leiper's Fork area.

Brooks--Christopher(1836), Ch M(1837), C.W.(1838) C.M(1839) Possibly the Christopher whose wife was a Kerr and whose mother was a Williams if he is the one who is from Caswell Co. NC.

Bryant(or O Bryant)--Fredrick G(1840) A Fredrick O Bryant is on the Bedford Co Tax list of Dist. 10 for 1837 & 1838 and there is a David P Briant in Dist. 10 Bedford for 1836.

Call-- Thomas is on the 1838 & 1839 Tax list of Dist. 25 as well as the 1840 census for that district. His brother Uriah is on Bedford Co TN Dist. 10 Tax list for 1836 & 1837 but on the Dist. 25 of Williamson Co Tax list in 1838 and also in enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.  They were the sons of William Call and Eleanor King.  Their family has Union Co SC ties and also later Carroll Co AR and Berry Co MO. Uriah's wife was Sarah Cox.  Thomas married Hally / Holly Putman, daughter of Amos Putman.  Which makes him a nephew in law to my direct line Jabel & Nancy Tyler Putman.  Uriah Call is a witness to many of the Putman deeds resulting from the division and later sell of Lots from Jabel Putman's estate.

Cannon--Newton & Robert are sons of Minos Cannon & Letitia Thompson and were enumerated Dist. 25 in 1840 but do not appear on tax lists in Dist. 25. They were taxed in Dist. 20 & Dist. 24 of Williamson Co.,  District 7 of Bedford Co. and District 9 of Maury Co. during the time period from 1836-1839.  During these same years also in other TN counties of  Davidson, Obion, Shelby & Tipton. Newton was governor of TN from 1835-1839.  Their family was from Guilford Co NC.

Carlton--Thomas & Thomas B(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838 & 1839) Not enumerated in 1840 in Dist. 25.  There is a Thomas Carlton taxed in 1836 Dist. 10 Bedford Co TN.  Thomas Carlton's wife was Nancy Wade.  Three of their children married children of Jabel & Nancy Putman. Another married a Patterson.  Wade H. Carlton(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836 & 1837) He is a son of Thomas & Nancy Wade Carlton and married Sarah/Sally Putman.  Wade H. & Sarah/Sally Putman Carlton are enumerated in Weakley Co TN in 1840.  Thomas B. Carlton( b, 1813 son of Thomas & Nancy) married Jane Putman. He and Jane are in Bedford Co TN in 1840 but by 1850, Jane has died and Thos B. and family are in Bois D'arc, Hempstead, Arkansas. 

Carson--Jesse H. Carson(1840 Census--no tax listing) is the Father of Susan Carson(Wife of James Cook & daughter in law of Wm C Cook & Elizabeth Putman)  Susan's mother and Jesse's wife was Nancy Gillespie

Cole-- Gideon and Thomas Cole were brothers--sons of Thomas & Elizabeth Cole. They are both taxed for years 1836, 1837, 1838 and 1839 and enumerated there in 1840.  There were two Thomas listed in 1836 in Dist. 25.  The Rover book says that they acquired land in Byler Bottom(Rover--Dist. 10 Bedford Co ) Bedford Co TN Dist. 10 Tax list does have a Thomas Cole for years 1837, 1838 & 1839.  The 1840 Census for Dist. 25 of Williamson Co TN also lists William Cole.

Cook--Joseph Cook--(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836, 1837 & 1838).  Wm C Cook is listed on the Dist. 25 Tax list of Williamson Co TN for the year 1838 but on Bedford Co TN Dist. 10 for years 1836 & 1837.  Joseph passes in 1838 and drops from the Tax list.  Wm C Cook doesn't appear on the tax list in 1839 for Williamson Co Dist. 25 nor Bedford Co Dist. 10.  I have also not found Wm C Cook in 1840 Census records.  Wm C Cook was appointed admin of Joseph's estate though it is not known how they were related or IF they were though it does seem likely since they have the same surname that some sort of relationship exist. [Update 2/23/22 I've located Wm C Cook in the 1840 US Federal Census in Dyer Co TN next door to brother-in-law Noah Putman.]

Cooper--Job(Dist. 25 Tax List:  1836 & 1838) Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.  Possibly the same Job Cooper who obtains a land grant in 1814 in 2nd Dist. of Bedford Co TN(waters of Weakley Creek on north side of Duck River) mentioning neighboring lands of Bylers, Charles Brandon, and Elijah Rutledge.  There is a Job Cooper who marries Elizabeth Landrum in 1821 Williamson Co TN. Geo C Cooper is bondsman

Covington--M. L. Covington (Dist. 25 Tax list:  1839 & 1840 Census)  Probably Marquis Lafayette Covington. Married Elizabeth Snell Ransom(a widow)

Cowen--V.D. Cowen(Tax List of Dist. 25 for 1836, 1837, 1838 & 1839) Not enumerated there in 1840.  Appears on the Dist. 10 Rutherford Co TN Tax list for the years 1836 & 1837. This is Varner D Cowen  He was a Judge in Rutherford Co TN.  You can read more about his family and their home which burnt during the Civil War by visiting the Rutherford Co Historical website. 

Crick/Creek-  Like the Carlton family, the Crick family intermarries with the children of Jabel & Nancy Putman.  
Edward/Edmond -(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)
Felix G- (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838 & 1840 Census)
Jacob- (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)
John Jr. (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)
John Sr. (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)
Mark L (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1839 & 1840 Census)
Newton C (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)
Wm H (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838, 1839 & 1840 Census)

Crittenden-- Richard Crittenden (Dist. 25 Tax List:  1838)   There may be some connection to Frances/Fanny Crittenden who is in Rutherford Co TN in 1829 and 1830.

Cromer--Henry Cromer (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1838 & 1839) Not enumerated there in 1840.  His wife was a Shaffer & Gambill Descendant.  Her father, Richard Shaffer was killed by Indians in pre-statehood Sumner Co (TN)

Cullum--William H Cullum(Dist. 25 Tax list: 1836)  He is likely the Wm H Cullum who is enumerated in 1820 Williamson Co TN- Franklin near Cole, West, Beasley Brown, Hill, Wade 

  • Tennessee, US, Early Tax List Records, 1783-1895
  • Williamson County(Tennessee) Tax Records 1800-1963) Tax records 1831-1845
  • Tennessee State Library and Archives. North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S., Early Land Records, 1753-1931 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.
  • Nance, R. Fred, and John W. Nance. 1983. The history of Versailles, tenth district, and its people. Murfreesboro, Tenn. (P.O. Box 906, Murfreesboro 37130): Rutherford County Historical Society.
  • "United States Census, 1840." Database with images. FamilySearch.
Bedford Co TN.
Rutherford Co TN
Williamson Co TN
  • Rover Historical Society. History of Rover and the 10th district of Bedford County: lest we forget the people and things in our corner of the world. Vol. I(1986), Vol. II(1999). Paducah, Ky: Turner Pub. Co.