Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Did you receive an email from Ancestry Support Forum?

NO NEED TO PANIC: If you are one of those who has gotten an email from Ancestry Support to change your password, don't panic. As someone who uses the support there I also got this email.  It was sent so that you can be transitioned to Ancestry Support Forum's new platform. What you are changing is the password you used to log on the Ancestry Support Forum....NOT changing your Ancestry Password. The Ancestry Support section has had a separate log on from your Ancestry subscription acct for as long as I've used it. That's not to say that you didn't use the same password or username when you created the Support log on that you did your Ancestry acct. but the email is legit if you check the headers and it looks something like this

From: Ancestry Support
To: rmbeck*** 
Subject: Welcome to Ancestry Support! 

There has been a notice below the masthead at the Ancestry Support Forums for a good while now announcing that they were changing to a new platform. You can navigate to the new site from the site by Selecting HELP from the menu and choosing Support Center from that drop down menu..

[Update:  As a member and reader of several online forums I had watched the panic spread about the email and posted this only to let my fellow researchers know that it was a legitimate.

I agree it was not the best means to announce the change....however the email was consistent in form with those I get when someone adds info to their tree, shares a tree or DNA with me  or when Ancestry "Discovers" new hints.]

DISCLAIMER:  While I use many products and services in my research I am not affiliate with any of the companies who provide any products or services I have used. Any products or services I use were paid for by me. If at any time I receive free products or services, I will state that before my review or opinion.  I do not speak for or represent any of these companies.  My opinions are just that...MY opinions just as you are free to form your own opinions

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