Sunday, April 10, 2016

Ethnic results updated at DNALand

Admittedly I have not done much at DNAland other than register and upload my autosomal DNA test but I had heard that they have new Ethnic breakdown results so I went to check it out.  I think my original results was very generic there.  Something like 90+ European. Seems to be somewhat better now(see the screenshots below)  I still only have one close match there who is also a match at FTDNA.  This match is on my paternal side but beyond that I cannot tell where the connection is since my request to work together to find the connection has went unanswered.  I am sending an update and I hope that will spark a response.

Shows the Ethnic Breakdown in pie chart form

This shows where on the map the ethnic matches were located.

A more detailed explanation of that is included or not included in each grouping.  This varies from site to site--at Ancestry..the ones available at GEDmatch, 23&me and FTDNA.  To date this is the best explanation of what is included  at this site ....the other sites need something like this.  If they have is not easily found.

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