Sunday, August 11, 2024

William Harrison Deeds--Bedford Co. TN

Located two deeds of William Harrison who deeded property in the Alexander Creek area of Bedford Co TN.  

Deed #1
William Harrison to John A McClain
23 Acres and 120 poles   
bargained on 25 November 1825
Registered 15 December 1826

"Controversy has arisen between the said parties concerning a certain tract or parcel of land"
Land in Bedford Co TN on Alexander Creek 

William Harrison signs away all his right title and interest in said land and while the deed does mention bargaining, selling, and delivering it does not mention any monetary exchange. 

Josiah T McLain
Jodiah A McLain
John Harrison

Bedford County, Tennessee, Deed Book W: 335, William Harrison to John A. McLain, both of Bedford County, Tennessee; digital image, FamilySearch ( : accessed 11 August 2024), Bedford County, Tennessee, Deed Books S-W, November 1824-February 1828, image 791 of 902, IGN 8150800.

Deed #2
William Harrison to Rencher Spence
85 acres for $300 
bargained 25 June 1827
Situate lying and being in the county above up on the
water of Alexander Creek and bounded as follows(viz)
Beginning on a Elm running west one hundred &
46 poles to a stake thence south Ninty four poles to a
Dogwood thence East one hundred & forty-six pole to a
dogwood thence North Ninty four poles to the beginning
containing eighty-five acres of Land

Benj G Allen
Allen Harris
Registered 18 Aug 1827

In the first part of the recorded deed it looks like it says William Harrison Sen.  The S appears consistent with the other words starting with S.  It doesn't appear to be J for Junior.  I believe this is the William Harrison Rev War Pensioner and husband of Elvira Cooper Harrison. He is in the 1830 Census of Bedford Co TN surrounded by the McClains(the spelling of their name varies), his sons, and Elizabeth Cook(most likely his daughter, Elizabeth Harrison Cook.)  Benjamin Allen is a neighbor on that 1830 Census and is likely the witness with that same name.  The Allen family gave statements for the Rev War Pension drawn on William's service. 

Bedford County, Tennessee, Deed Book W: 321, William Harrison of BedfordCo TN to Rencher Spence of Rutherford Co TN; digital image, FamilySearch ( : accessed 11 August 2024), Bedford County, Tennessee, Deed Books S-W, November 1824-February 1828,  image 784 of 902, IGN 8150800. 

Unsure if these two deeds are the same William but it seems likely that they are given he was a known resident of that area.  His son, also named William Harrison would have been a teenager at the time the deeds were executed.

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