Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A look at updated mtDNA results of tests I manage

 Last week I received the notification that the updates for the two FULLmtDNA kits I manage were in.  

My daughter did the mtDNA test and because there is a backward mutation present in descendants of the mother of my 4th great-grandmother, I find it unnecessary for Mom and I to test.  Nancy Combs b. 1797 d. 1881 is our earliest proven matrilineal ancestor but we do know her mother was the wife of Mason Combs(1746-1802) who is believed to have been named Dorothy.  Some researchers have her listed as Dorothy Mason. There are 25+ Exact matches.


My paternal Aunt Bobbie took the full mtDNA test so that we could know the matrilineal haplogroup of my paternal grandmother,  Ruahama Weaver((b. 1766 d. 1840) is the earliest proven matrilineal ancestor for Aunt Bobbie and Dad.  Due to pedigree collapse, this line appears twice from Ruahama and her husband on back thru our pedigree.  There are no exact matches but many are one genetic distance away including a matrilineal descendant of Rebecca Sheppard(1755 - 1837).  The Sheppard family marries into the Rushing, Deason, and Frizzell families in early Maryland. Many from each of those lines end up in Bedford County Tennessee.


Sunday, March 09, 2025

RootsTech 2025--Day 3

RootsTech Day 3
March 8th 2025

FamilyTree DNA recently announced a new updated MitoTree.  This means an updated haplogroup for those who have taken the mtDNA test and new reports via the mtDNA Discover tool.

Below is a list of the classes which I selected for Day 3.  There are many more sessions available.  For more in-depth information on the day's events check out any of the classes or online expo hall at RootsTech website

9:00 AM CST Online Advanced / Professional
Speaker:  Angie Packer McGhie

10:30 PM CST  Online Intermediate
Speaker:  Laura Hedgecock

2:30 PM CST Online Intermediate
Speaker:  Steve Little 

These last 3 classes were unavailable to online attendees Live due to technical difficulties but were made available by late Saturday and Sunday.

2:30 PM CST Online Advanced / Professional
Speaker:  Rebecca Whitman Koford

4:00 PM CST Online Intermediate
Speaker:  Alice Childs

4:00 PM CST Online Advanced / Professional
Speaker:  Jenny Hansen

Friday, March 07, 2025

RootsTech 2025--Day 2

RootsTech Day 2
March 7th 2025

MyHeritage has introduced a new feature called Cousin Finder™, which helps discover other MyHeritage members who share common ancestors with you. They launched Ancient Origins a few weeks ago for members with a Complete or Omni tier subscription. Their latest ethnicity update (v 2.5) was released earlier this year for those who have tested or uploaded their DNA.

Ancestry has several new features that use AI.  "Recognize Ancestors" helps to identify people in photos by using AI to compare them with other photos on the site.  Another feature uses AI to transcribe the handwriting in uploaded documents. A DNA match clustering tool is also in the works for release later this year. See the video for more on Matches by Cluster.

These were just the classes that I viewed.  There are many more available.  For more in-depth information on the day's events check out any of the classes or online expo hall at

Speaker:  Robert Raymond

Session:  FamilySearch Full Text Search Is Even Better (a session I missed from Thursday)
Speaker:  Robert Raymond

9:00 AM CST Online Intermediate
Speaker:  Rebecca Whitman Koford

9:00 AM CST Online  Advanced / Professional
Speaker:  Mindy Taylor

10:30 AM CST  Online  All Levels

10:30 AM CST Online  Advanced / Professional
Speaker:  Adina Newman

2:30 PM CST Online  Intermediate
Speaker:  Diane L. Richard

2:30 PM CST  Online Intermediate
Speaker:  Diahan Southard  

Thursday, March 06, 2025

RootsTech 2025--Day 1

RootsTech Day 1
March 6th 2025

Ancestry announced the addition of Networks.  It is a tool that can be used to track an ancestor's FAN.  Right now it's only available to ProTools subscribers, but might be rolled out to other users at some point.  There are a few other promotions they are running right now here

FTDNA has discount codes available and includes some discounts on upgrades 

Legacy Family Tree Webinars has a great offer see the coupon code at

These were just the classes that I viewed.  There are many more available.  For more in-depth information on the day's events check out any of the classes or online expo hall at

9:00 AM CST Online Advanced/Professional

10:30 AM CST Online Intermediate
1:15 PM CST Online Intermediate
Speaker:  Kelli Bergheimer

4:00 PM CST Online Advanced/Professional
Speaker:  Nancy A. Peters

5:30 PM CST Online Intermediate
Session:  Using Indirect Evidence to Identify Enslaved Parents
Speaker:  LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson

Sunday, March 02, 2025

A letter for George in Denison City, Texas(March 1888)

In George Solifelt's pension application, he claimed he had been living in Denison City Texas in 1886 when he began his pension application process. Many of the things George claimed in his pension are sketchy and some are just outright lies, but today I found evidence that he was likely in Denison City Texas before March of 1888(at least). A newspaper included a Letter list of those with letters at the Denison City post office on March 24th of 1888; Geo H Solifelt was on that list. So someone had reason to believe that they could reach him by mail there. Did he ever get that letter?  Who was it from?  And where is the Bosque Co TX marriage record for him?  He denied being married repeatedly and then admitted that he had been married but was no longer married. Not sure at this point how many times he was married.  Hopefully, more pieces to the puzzle will surface soon.


"Letter List Denison City, Grayson County, Texas: Date of List, March 24, 1888," The Sunday Gazetteer(Denison, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 47, Ed. 1 Sunday, March 25, 1888, p 4, col 6, Solifelt Geo H on unclaimed letter list; digital imaged at University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History ( : accessed March 2, 2025); original newspaper for digitization provided by Grayson County Frontier Village.

George Solifelt(Pvt., Co. E, 20th PA Cav., Civil War), pension application no. 580,089,
certificate no. 950,395, Case Files of Approved Pension Applications, 1861-1934; Civil
War and Later Pension Files; Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15; National
Archives, Washington, D.C [George used the aliases George Sullivan & Theodore Sullivan both of which are noted in the Pension Index Cards. He also served in Co. C 2nd PA Inf., Co. H 126th PA Inf., and Co. C 1st PA Prov. Cav.]

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Antioch news from Warren Co. TN(Sept 1933)

Before there was online social media, there were newspaper articles focused on specific areas where they posted about what all the citizens of that area were doing.  This one is from Antioch, a community in Warren County Tennessee(not to be confused with the city in Davidson County)

Notes of Interest Around Antioch  (Sept. 1933)
(transcribed as written)
Mss Aileen Johnson spent the week-
end with her sister, Mrs Evy Spark-
man of Cummingsville.
Andrew McElroy has malaria fever.
Sam Brady is some better.
Mrs. Charles Rogers is visiting her
daughter, Mrs Oda Grissom.
Andrew Hillis was in Sparta Satur-
Mrs. Jim Breedlove and children and
Miss Della Chandler were Wednesday
guests of Mrs. Andy Acuff.
Miss Willie Maye Witt visited Mrs.
Bascomb Chandler Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs R.obert Wednestead
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Wednestead.
There will be a box supper at Semi-
nary(near Bone Cave) Saturday night,
Sept. 23. The public is invited.

"Notes of Interest Around Antioch," Southern Standard(McMinnville, TN), Vol LIV No 30, 21 Sept 1933, p 7, col 2; images, FamilySearch( : accessed 24 February 2025) IGN 8964042, Image 828 of 1152.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Another Court Record --Williamson Co TN Hamer Family

Another court record with more information about the Hamer descendants.
The case: T.K Barnes et al - vs - A.D. Redmond et al.

From the court minutes:

Robert Cook, is the only one of all the parties in interest who appealed from the decree of the Chancellor. His appeal, did not of course, disturb the decree in so far as the interest of those persons to whom intestate was of kin through her father were concerned, but his appeal did bring up for review the whole decree in so far as the interests of those who were of kin through her mother to the intestate were concerned. 

Because there were funds to be divided, relationships had to be stated to calculate each person's share.
Information in italics was not stated in the court record, but are additional notes from my research.

See also my previous post which includes an earlier case concerning the Hamers. This reminds me that often it took many years for probate to be settled. Repeated use of
the same given names in several generations and multiple marriages into the Barnes and Redmond families by the Hamers also add to the confusion.
Descendants of Reece Hamer:
James Hamer(son)
Mrs. Arkie Redmond(daughter)
Robert Lee Cook(grandson of Reece Hamer through Mary S Hamer Cook)
Romie Hamer(grandson of Reece Hamers through Lundy Hamer)

8 Children of Leander S. "Lee" Hamer:
Adeline Watson
Harris Hamer(married Mary Redmond-both buried at Mt Olivet Cem Davidson Co. TN)
Louisa Redmond(Lemisa, named after her paternal aunt--buried at Mt Olivet Davidson Co TN)
John Hamer
Kate Hamer
Amanda Hamer
Montgomery Hamer
James Hamer


Williamson Co Tennessee, Chancery Court Minutes, Vol 3, 17 March 1913, p 144-5, T.K. Barnes et al -vs- A.D. Redmond et al; images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 February 2025), IGN 8664025, Image 105 of 666.

"Public Member Trees" database, Ancestry ( : accessed 24 February 2025)
"Cooke Luna" family tree by Marie Cooke Beckman, profile for Harris Hamer(1 Jun 1793- 31 Oct 1858).

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Using Broad Searches to Gather Genealogical Evidence

I'm in the habit of checking back on my searches at repositories that are constantly adding records. This week, one of my searches was for Gideon Cook in FamilySearch's Full Text Search. That search led to several discoveries which helped give me more evidence to use in my study of the Cook family.

One significant find was a court case in which Reece Hamer sued J. H. Hill and others. Hill had been appointed to attend to real estate and personal property that Reece’s wife, Nancy Vernon Hamer, inherited from her father. Some form of mismanagement or dispute arose, prompting the lawsuit. The key detail for my research was that the case listed the children of Reece and Nancy Vernon Hamer, mentioning that Gideon Cook, who married Mary S. Hamer, was among them. It also established that Gideon and Mary were Rutherford County, Tennessee residents. The case and all other involved parties were in Williamson County, Tennessee. I already had other evidence placing them in Rutherford County, as Gideon and Mary’s son was born there in May 1868 but can always use additional evidence. This also supports my hypothesis that Mary was alive until at least October 1868. She passed away sometime between that date and October 30, 1869, when Gideon remarried Martha Ann Hale.

Another important detail from the court case was the absence of Harriet G. Hamer Cook, daughter of Reece and Nancy, who married Gideon Cook’s brother, James Polk Cook, in October 1865. Harriet was not mentioned among Reece’s children, suggesting she had died before James married the widow Susan Carson Ferguson in December 1867. While divorce was technically possible for James and Harriet, it seems unlikely since James and Susan named their first child Harriet Sophie Cook, likely in memory of his first wife. Harriet’s omission from the case strengthens the evidence supporting her earlier death.

In addition to the above discoveries, I also located the death certificate of Joseph Gideon Cook, the infant son of David Stahl Cook and Ollie Mai Cook. He passed away in January 1915 at just one month and 28 days old due to whooping cough with an additional complication of indigestion. I was unaware of his existence since he never appeared on any census records. The death certificate listed his father as "D. S. Cook" and his mother as "Miss Cook." Ancestry did not generate a hint for him until I manually added him as David and Ollie Mai’s child. I also would not have found him on FamilySearch because I was unaware he existed. However, by searching for "Gideon Cook"—one of his grandfathers and his namesake—I was able to identify him and place him within the family tree.

A broader search using the FS Full Text Search yields better results for me. I can then apply filters to zoom in and out of surrounding areas and sort through the findings efficiently. This approach works better than conducting a highly specific search that returns no results.

Williamson County Tennessee, Chancery Court, Oct. 1865-Oct. 1868, Vol 22, p 578, Reece Hamer v. John H Hill et. al; imaged at FamilySearch( : accessed 20 February 2025), IGN 008398574, Item 2, Image 577 of 604.
"Tennessee, Deaths, 1914-1966," Davidson Co TN Death Certificate of Joseph Gideon Cook DOD 27 January 1915; database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed 20 February 2025), IGN 004183031 > image 1540 of 2173; Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Robert & Anna Cook Analysis with a little help from ChatGPT

I've been gathering source documents of Robert Lee Cook, son of Jefferson Gideon Cook.  A few of Gideon's sons moved to the bigger cities of Chicago and Detroit for work. I wanted to look into that. I don't get to do that much with my direct line.  My direct ancestors tend to put down permanent roots in rural locations.

  • Typed up a data extraction from each source and crafted my citations
  • Opened ChatGPT and discussed what I wanted--a table that would help in comparing and contrasting the information from the documents.
  • Copied and pasted my extractions and source citations into ChatGPT
  • Instructed it to use that info for the table.

It did a pretty good job.  I had to make several corrections but it did save me some time.

Below is the information from the documents and source citations. 

Robert & Anna's Marriage(1924)
Return of Marriages in the County of Wayne(Michigan) 1924
Record No:  268078
Date of License: April 29, 1924
Bridegroom: Robert L Cook
Bride: Anna C Bailey
Maiden name of Bride, if widow:  Eutsler
Age of each in yrs:  Groom 55 Bride 53
Race: Both White
Residence of Each:  Detroit, Mich.(both)
Birthplace of Each: Tenn(groom) Ohio(bride)
Occupation of Each: Bookkeeper(groom) House wk(bride)
Name of Father of Each:
    Groom's Father: Jefferson
    Bride's Father: Christopher
Maiden name of Mother of Each
    Groom:  Mary S Haymer
    Bride:  Elizabeth A Dunn
Time Previously Married
    Groom:  None
    Bride:  Two
Date of Marriage: April 30 1924
Place of Marriage:  Detroit, Mich.
Name & Official State of Person by Whom Married: C.E. Ferguson-Clergyman
Witness to Marriage:  Edward H Deutsch & Bessie C Deutsch (both reside in Detroit Mich.)

Robert & Anna's US Federal Census(1930)
Michigan, Wayne County, Detroit(City), Ward 10, Block 160, ED 82-298, p 173, Sheet 15A, Dwelling 1, Family 1, 
Robert L Cook age 61 First married at 55, self & Parents born in Tennessee
Robert's occupation is Sweeper at Auto Factory
Annie C Cook age 58 First married at 18, self & Parents born in Florida

Anna's Death Certificate(1935)
Michigan Department of Health
Division of Vital StatisticsCertificate of Death
State Office No. 200655
Register No. 10(3?)84
Place of Death:  Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan
Full Name:  Anna Charlotte Cook
Residence:  4280 15th St., Detroit, Michigan
Sex:  Female
Color or Race:  White
Marital Status:  Married
Spouse:  Robert Cook
Date of Birth:  April 12, 1867
Age:  68 years, 4 months, 24 days
Occupation:  At home
Birthplace:  Ohio
Father's Name:  Christopher Eusler
Father's Birthplace:  Unknown
Mother's Maiden Name:  Elizabeth Dunn
Mother's Birthplace:  Unknown
Informant:  Robert Cook (4280 15th St., Detroit, MI)
Date of Death:  September 6, 1935
Last Seen Alive:  September 6, 1935
Cause of Death:  Chronic myocarditis
Other Contributing Factors:  Gastritis 3 days
Burial Place:  Forest Lawn, Detroit, Michigan
Burial Date:  September 9, 1935
Undertaker:  Harvey A. Neely
Address of Undertaker:  Detroit, Michigan
Physician's Name:  Dr. James E. Clark
Physician's Address:  4292 14th Ave

Robert Lee Cook's Death Notice (1954)
Robert Lee Cook
Funeral services for Robert Lee
Cook. 86. of 301 Wimpole Drive, will 
be at Ellis and Kidd Funeral Home.
2627 Nolensville road. at 2:30 p.m. 

The Rev. Grady' Randolph and 
the Rev. E. W. Barnett will offi-
ciate, Burial will be in Triune cem
eterv, near Nolensville. 

Mr. Cook died Friday at David
son County hospital after A long 

Born in Rutherford County, he 
was the son of Dr. J.G. and Mary 
Hamer Cook. For many years he 
lived in Detroit where he was em-
ployed by an automobile firm. Aft-
er his retirement five years ago. 
he returned to Nashville 

In 1923, he married the former
Miss Anna Bailey of Detroit. who 
died 20 years ago. 

Survivors include two brothers, 
J.R. Cook. Chicago. And C.B.
Cook. Robards, Ky: And a sister. 
Mrs. Dave Cook of Nashville,


Michigan, Marriages Records, 1867-1952, Michigan Dept. of Community Health, Division of Vital Records & Health Statistics: imaged at Ancestry ( : accessed 15 February 2025), Registers, 1887-1925 > 1921-1925 > 1924 Wayne, Image 384 of 1457, Record No 268078, Marriage of Robert L Cook and Anna C Bailey.

1930 US Federal Census, Michigan, Wayne County, Detroit City, Ward 10, Block 160, ED 82-298, p 173, Sheet 15A, Dwelling 1, Family 1, Robert L Cook household; images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 16 February 2025), IGN 4951281, image 350 of 1114, Entry for Robert L Cook and Annie C Cook.

"Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952", Michigan Dept of Health; imaged at ( : accessed 15 February 2025), Entry for Anna Charlotte Cook, Date of Death 06 Sep 1935.

"Robert Lee Cook," The Tennessean(Nashville) 13 June 1954, p 78, col 3, death notice of Robert Lee Cook; ( : accessed 16 February 2025)

Additional Analysis
I built on the chat by typing in my analysis as I read and compared the info from the chart. ChatGPT can also help draft a report, but I found the introduction and conclusion to be of poor quality but no problem. In my opinion, those are the easiest parts to write. It did a good job with the contents of the report.  I will add the report to my Ancestry tree under Robert L. Cook's profile. This will be a great help to see what I have completed so far when I come back to this research.

I've heard that some folks have had success creating tables from image files.  I'm not sure that would save too much time for me.  I learn as I type so I'd miss out on the info "soaking in." I still have to double-check any output--my own or ChatGPT.  I find it helpful to "chat"  my analysis. It helps me to identify holes in logic and sometimes gives me a new perspective. When using AI the key is knowing what is time-saving, and what is a time suck.  Choose wisely.

I used Free ChatGPT to make the table.  It helped organize the data and analysis I typed into a report.  I had to replace certain parts(intro and conclusion) as they were not what I would have used.  I didn't include the report in this article. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Mr. and Mrs. John L Cook Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary(1959)

John Lemuel & Malissa A Barnes Cook

Mr. and Mrs. John L Cook
Celebrate Wedding Anniversary

Mr and Mrs. John L Cook,
who were celebrating their 50th
wedding anniversary Sunday,
enjoyed a buffet luncheon at
their home in Chapel Hill. The
dining table was covered with
a lace cloth and featured an
arrangement of yellow gladioli.
A crystal punch bowl was used
on the buffet.
A lovely display of gifts was
presented the honored couple.
Among those attending were
their two children, J.W. Cook
and Mrs. Charles F Rogers,
both of Chapel Hill; five of their
six grandchildren, Johnny Cook,
Max Cook, Mrs Dean Tipton
and Larry Hargrove of Chapel
Hill, and Mrs. Bobby Dean Mc-
Peak of Lewisburg, and Mr.
and Mrs. H. K. Rowland of
Rockvale, and Mrs Flemons
Haynes of Shelbyville, who were
present at their wedding 50
years ago.

Notes:  Mr & Mrs H. K Rowland is John's sister, Eliza A Cook Rowland, and her husband.
Mrs. Flemons Haynes is Mary Catherine Ghee, maternal half-sister of Malissa Barnes Cook.  
They were the daughters of Cordelia Alice Barnes. Malissa was sometimes listed as a Ghee under the surname of her stepfather.  See the blog post link below for a more detailed explanation.
John Lemuel Cook is the only one of William Green Cook's children who knew his paternal grandfather, W. C. Cook.

"Mr. and Mrs. John L Cook Celebrate Wedding Anniversary," The Marshall Gazette(Lewisburg, TN), Vol. LXXXVII, No. 31,  31st July 1959, p. 5 col. 1;  FamilySearch  ( : accessed 14 February 2025) IGN , Image 337 of 546.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Did Your Grandparents Know Their Grandparents?

When I realized that my Mom only knew one of her grandparents, it got me curious about the grandparent connections in my family.

My Dad(born 1930) didn't know either of his grandmothers.  Both died around 1920-one from tuberculosis and the other from pneumonia. He did know his grandfathers.  His maternal grandfather, James Jakes, stayed with them some before he died in 1941.  His paternal grandfather died when Dad was 14 years old.

My Mom only knew her paternal grandfather, David E. Luna who lived with them a few years before he died in 1948.  Mom was 8 yrs old 

If I take it back a generation further my question becomes "Did my grandparents know their own grandparents? Below is a breakdown of each grandparent and the grandparents they knew.  

My Paternal Grandfather: Thomas D. Cooke(1888-1971)
Paternal Grandparents: Wm C. & Elizabeth Putman Cook (Died before his birth)
Maternal Grandparents: Wm B. & Eliza Manire King (Moved to Texas, died there)

My Paternal Grandmother: Pearl Gray Jakes Cooke(1891-1993)
Paternal Grandparents: Did not know any (All died before her birth)
Maternal Grandparents: Did not know any (All died before her birth)

My Maternal Grandfather: Wm R. Luna(1892-1994)
Paternal Grandparents: Elisha Luna (Died before his birth) and Kizzy Rigsby Luna(paternal grandmother) died when Will was about 17 years old.
Maternal Grandparents: David Pittman (Lived until Wm R. Luna was about 30) Mary Adcock Pittman died when Will was about 10 years old.

My Maternal Grandmother: Minnie Acuff Luna(1899-1957)
Paternal Grandparents: Knew Sarah McElroy Acuff (Paternal Grandmother); Paternal Grandfather died before her birth.
Maternal Grandparents: Knew Wm P. Hale (Maternal Grandfather); Maternal Grandmother died before her birth.

Obituary: David E Luna Age 83(1948)

This is the obituary of my great-grandfather.  He was Mom's paternal grandfather.  David was living with his son Will & family at the time of his death.  My Mom(Will's youngest daughter) was 8 years old when her grandfather died.  He was the only grandparent she ever knew.  Her maternal grandparents both died the year before she was born and her paternal grandmother died in 1899.

David E Luna
Age: 83
Died: 28 Oct 1948 at his son, Will's home near Taft.
Funeral: 5th St. Baptist Church Saturday, 30th Oct 1948
Burial: Charity Cemetery near Hazel Green AL

2 Daughters:
Mrs. Eugene Jaco
Mrs. Jim Roberts
Both of McMinnville, TN

Will and Lee of Taft.
Robert, Andrew & Dougie of Huntsville, AL
Several Grandchildren, great-grandchildren and nephews.

"Rites Held In Huntsville For David E. Luna, 83," Lincoln County News(Fayetteville TN), Vol 44, 4 November 1948, p 1, col 5: FamilySearch ( : accessed 13 February 2025) IGN 8992150, Image 623 of 1052.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Jas Hitchcock Land--Warren Co TN(1840)

This survey was recorded in the Plat Book just before the Spring of 1840.  James and Lottie's daughter, Nancy A Hitchcock(my 2nd great-grandmother) would be born in Sept of that same year.

March 9, 1840
Jas. Hitchcock 25 acres
State of Tennessee
Warren County
by Scale of 55 poles per inch
surveyed the 18th of Feb 1840 for James
Hitchcock twenty-five acres of land. by virtue of an
entry bearing date the 1st of February 1838 No 4580 Situ
ate in said county on the waters of Collins River. Beg'G on a
white oak Wm Tucks Corner running east with his line twenty-six poles
to Walnut then north sixty (degrees) West with Mountain thirty-two poles to Poplar
on Higginbotham's lines, and with it south fifteen (degrees) west seventy-six pole to
hickory then south fifty-five (degrees) east sixteen poles to hornbeam then south
seventy-six (degrees) east forty-eight poles to red bud ___?___  a corner of a 100
acre survey in the name of George Hitchcock then north forty-four (degrees) east sixty
seven poles to white oak. Then, north sixty-eight (degrees) and west eighty-six poles are to beg. g
Lewis Thomas & Jas Hitchcock CC
A Higginbotham PS.

This entry called for 50 acres

Warren Co TN Plat Book November 1839–December 1894, Vol 4, p 13, Jas Hitchcock Plat;
FamilySearch ( : accessed 2 February 2025), IGN 7901843, image 733 of 868.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Error in Announcement of Lodge Name Change

On motion of W C Cook Black Vale(sic) Lodge No. 413 was changed to Versailles Lodge No. 413

Please note that the lodge was the Rockvale Lodge, not Black Vale.


"Masonic Jurisprudence," Nashville Union and American(Nashville, TN) 15 Nov 1871 p 4 col 3; Library of Congress ( : accessed 1 Feb 2025.)

Friday, January 31, 2025

Toone Institute 1892 Spring Term Ad

The following ad(transcribed below)  ran in the summer issues of the Bolivar Bulletin in 1891.  

Toone Institute

Toone, Tenn.


Thorough Academic course.
Board and tuition moderate.
Fall Term commences Mon-
day, Aug. 31st.; Spring term
Commences Monday, Janua-
ry 18th, 1892. Send for Cat-
alogue to either J. F. McGee
Sec'y of Board, Toone, Tenn.,
or J. K. Cook, Principal,
postoffice through June and
July, Eaglevill, Tenn.

"Toone Institute," The Bolivar Bulletin(Boliver, Hardeman Co TN) 5 Jun 1891 p 2 col 4; Library of Congress ( accessed 31 January 2025.)

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Warren Co. TN Newspapers at FamilySearch

Southern Standard(McMinnville, TN) --As explained in the catalog entries, this is not all-inclusive, some issues are missing. Still an excellent selection of issues of the Southern Standard available for free with a FamilySearch Username(registration is free.)  I sometimes use the IGN to search a specific roll via FamilySearch's  Full-Text Search

Description--Date & Image Group Number
(22 Nov. 1879)-v. 28, no. 30 (25 May 1907)                         8952788
Vol. 19, no. 7 (18 Dec. 1897)-v. 55, no. 30 (20 Sept. 1934) 8964042
(21 Feb. 1880)-v. 6, no. 37 (1 Aug. 1885)                         8992348
Vol. 6, no. 38 (8 Aug. 1885)-v. 9, no. 44 (22 Sept. 1888) 8992349
Vol. 9, no. 45 (29 Sept. 1888)-v. 12, no. 51 (7 Nov. 1891) 8992350
Vol. 12, no. 52 (14 Nov. 1891)-v. 16, no. 5 (15 Dec. 1894) 8992351
Vol. 16, no. 6 (22 Dec. 1894)-v. 19, no. 6 (11 Dec. 1897) 8992352
Vol. 55, no. 31 (27 Sept. 1934)-v. 58, no. 48 (17 Sept. 1937) 8992353
Vol. 58, no. 49 (24 Sept. 1937)-v. 61, no. 27 (19 Apr. 1940) 8992354
Vol. 61, no. 28 (26 Apr. 1940)-v. 64, no. 9 (11 Dec. 1942) 8992355
Vol. 64, no. 9 (11 Dec. 1942)-v. 66, no. 43 (10 Aug. 1945) 8992356
Vol. 66, no. 44 (17 Aug. 1945)-v. 68, no. 40 (8 Aug. 1947) 8992357
Vol. 68, no. 40 (8 Aug. 1947)-v. 70, no. 10 (14 Jan. 1949) 8992358
Vol. 70, no. 11 (21 Jan. 1949)-v. 71, no. 22 (7 Apr. 1950) 8992359
Vol. 71, no. 23 (14 Apr. 1950)-v. 72, no. 34 (29 June 1951) 8992360
Vol. 72, no. 34 (29 June 1951)-v. 73, no. 43 (4 Sept. 1952) 8992361
Vol. 73, no. 43 (4 Sept. 1952)-v. 74, no. 49 (15 Oct. 1953) 8992362
Vol. 74, no. 50 (22 Oct. 1953)-v. 75, no. 52 (11 Nov. 1954) 8992363
Vol. 75, no. 52 (11 Nov. 1954)-v. 78, no. 13 (28 Dec. 1956) 8992364
Vol. 78, no. 14 (1 Jan. 1957)-v. 78, no. 96 (25 Oct. 1957) 8992365
Vol. 78, no. 96 (25 Oct. 1957)-v. 79, no. 71 (1 Aug. 1958) 8992366
Vol. 79, no. 72 (5 Aug. 1958)-v. 80, no. 9 (30 Dec. 1958) 8992367
Vol. 80, no. 10 (2 Jan. 1959)-v. 80, no. 79 (1 Sept. 1959) 8966291
Vol. 80, no. 80 (4 Sept. 1959)-v. 81, no. 9 (29 Dec. 1959) 8966290
Vol. 81, no. 10 (1 Jan. 1960)-v. 81, no. 86 (23 Sept. 1960) 8986542
Vol. 81, no. 87 (27 Sept. 1960)-v. 82, no. 9 (30 Dec. 1960) 8986543

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Representation for our boys Tom and Clarence(1913)

Several weeks ago I found a trust deed signed by my Great-Grandparents, William Green Cook and wife Jane B King Cook. The trust deed was made to secure representation for their two sons, Tom and Clarence. It was also noted that the hearing was on the 10th of January 1913 in Christiana, TN. So what was this all about?

I searched all the Rutherford County court records for the period available on FamilySearch but found nothing about it or from the Christiana court. I contacted the Rutherford Co TN archives and told them what I had searched. They searched for that time frame in the additional records but came up empty-handed. There was a gap in the local newspapers for that time, so unless it was something big, it likely would not have made the surrounding area papers.

We have reached the conclusion that it was something minor. My Grandfather was their son, Tom. This would have been 10 months into his marriage to my grandmother and a little over a week after their daughter Magnus was born. W. H. Crowley was the attorney they secured. I'm not sure if any of his papers survive. That may be my only hope to find out what this was all about.

Tom & Clarence Cook
Rutherford Co TN Trust Deeds, Vol O p 126, Trust Deed W G Cook & Wife to W. H. Crowell; FamilySearch ( : accessed 18 January 2025), IGN 8332413, Image 69 of 648.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Hugh Clawson's guardian documents in Franklin Co. Arkansas(1881)

I found another document mentioning James P. Cook(son of Wm C & Elizabeth Putman Cook). The file that contains the document is labeled Hugh Clawson.  Hugh was the 1st husband of James P Cook's stepdaughter, Tennessee "Tennie" Ferguson.  I've written about Tennie many times in the last few years.  These documents exist because Hugh needed a guardian to give permission to marry since he was not yet 21 and had no living parents.  Since he was over 14, he was allowed to choose his guardian and he chose C.M. Duncan. James P. Cook signed the bond with C. M Duncan. Hugh and Tennie married the next day.  In January of 1886, Tennie filed for and was granted a divorce from Hugh on the grounds of desertion.

Franklin Co Arkansas Probate Court Records 1835-1958
Clawson, Hugh minor 1881 3 papers
IGN 7117451 Image 744-49 of 2050

Image 744:  Folder Clawson, Hugh minor 1881 3 papers

Image 745:  Application: In the Franklin Probate Court
To Hon A E Cope Probate Judge of Franklin Co
Your Petitioner Hugh Clawson
would respectfully represent unto your honor
that he is a minor under the age of
twenty-one years being at this time twenty
years old,. that he has no father or mother
now living that he has any knowledge of and
had no property either real or personal.
He further states that he has no guardian
and desires that your honor may op-
point one for him and being over the age
of fourteen years and entitled under the law
to select his own guardian, he has therefore
chosen C.M. Duncan of Franklin County
Arkansas and prays that your honor
will appoint him his guardian until
he arrives at his majority or until he
may marry and he will ever pray etc.
Hugh Clawson

Sworn and subscribed to before me this
14th day of Nov 1881
J. O Alston clk

Image 746:  Application of Hugh Clawson to have C M Duncan appointed Guardian Filed Nov 14th 1881 J O Alston clk Granted Feby term 1882

Image 747:  Guardian Bond: State of Arkansas County of Franklin C. M. Duncan appointed Guardian Approved Nov 14th 1881 J. O. Alston Jas. P Cook listed/

Image 748: Back of Guardian Bond-- C.M. Duncan Guardian for Hugh Clawson
Filed Nov 14th, 1881 J. O. Alston Clk
for marriage license
Approved Feb Term 1882 A E Cope Judge

Image 749:  C. M. Duncan appointed Guardian of Hugh Clawson after entering bond of $100 by James O Alston Clk of Circuit Court Franklin Co Arkansas

Monday, January 06, 2025

Notice of Estate of Jos. S. Cook--The Weekly Review(June 1839)

In Wm C Cook's role as administrator of the estate of Jos. S. Cook(relationship unknown), he placed a notice in the Weekly Review--a Franklin, Williamson County, Tennessee Newspaper.  I'd looked for a publication that carried a notice for Joseph's estate but had not found one until this morning when I ran a search using the FamilySearch full-text search.  I am so thankful they are now adding newspapers from their digital collection.

Estate of Jos. S. Cook, Dec.

The undersigned, as administrator of
the estate of Joseph S. Cook, deceased,
having suggested to the clerk of the Will-
iamson county court, the insolvency of said
estate under the Act of 1833, chapter 36
hereby notifies all persons having claims a-
gainst said estate, to file them with said,
clerk, legally authenticated, on or before
the 10th day of December 1839, or this
notice will be pleaded in bar against them.
This 10th day of June 1839
Wm C Cook
Administrator of Jos. S. Cook, dec'd
Printers fee $4

So added to my To-Do list is a Joseph S Cook Estate Timeline which I will post once I have completed.

"Estate of Jos. S. Cook, Dec.", The Weekly Review (Franklin, Tenn), June 214 1839, Vol 8 No 51 p 3(unnumbered) c 6; FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2025), IGN 8141796, Image 49 of 640.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Funeral costs in Trust Deed records(Rutherford Co. TN, 1922)

Nora Preston Cook, wife of Wm. Clarence Cook died of pulmonary tuberculosis at the age of 28. Not only was Clarence facing raising their 3 sons who were under 6 years of age on his own, but he also had to come up with money for his wife's burial. So he, his father, and his father-in-law did what they had to do to come up with the money to bury Nora. To secure the burial which was handled by Woodfin & Moore, Clarence, his father, and his father-in-law put up property to secure the services and guarantee that the burial costs would be paid. We find out the details in Rutherford Co TN Trust Deed Book TT page 420, which gives the listing.

  • 1 white-faced cow 5 years old property of Clarence Cook valued at $ 50.00 said cow is at Christiana Tenn
  • I white-faced cow 6 years old property of J. B Preston valued at $ 80.00 Said cow on Frank Manken farm in the 24th District
  • 1 bay horse 6 years old property of W. G. Cook valued 75.00 Said horse is at Christiana Tenn.

Trust Deed Book Vol TT p 420, Clarence Cook et al Mortgage to Woodfin & Moore pg 420; FamilySearch ( : accessed 2 Jan 2025), IGN 8332417, Image 539 of 651.

"Tennessee, Deaths, 1914-1966", Rutherford Co. TN, Death Certificate File # 134 --Nora May Cook, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2 January 2025), IGN 4184089, image 603 of 2306.