Tuesday, August 27, 2024

W B Jakes To E.P. Leach--Feb 1925 Bedford Co. TN

Bedford Co TN Trust Deed Book 32 p 527
FamilySearch, Digital image IGN 008568252 Image 621 of 655
Accessed 26 August 2024

W B Jakes To E.P. Leach

Property used to secure the note: 
1 bay horse 8 yrs old 15 1/2 hands high and worth $200
1 light bay horse 7 yrs old 15 hands high worth $200
1 McMurray Rubber Tire Sulky worth $100
1 Joy Cart and harness worth $30

Said Property is located at my place of residence on the old Sherrin farm in the 7th district of Bedford County Tenn. 

The transfer or removal of said property from this county makes this mortgage immediately due.

This trust is made to secure said E.P. Leach for one note of this date for $125 and due Dec. 15--1925. and signed by W B Jakes, James Jakes, and John L Jakes.  Now if I pay said sum or sums as they mature, then this deed is to be null and void, but if I fail to pay said sum or sums above mentioned at maturity, then the said E. P. Leach may take immediate possession of said above described property, and is hereby empowered to sell the same either privately or publicly and pay the expenses of the deed first; second, to pay said note above described, and a reasonable attorney's fee if placed in the hands of attorney for collection, the balance to me or my order.

This 4 day of Feb 1925

My thoughts:  
I discovered this Trust Deed using the Full-Text Search at FamilySearch.org.  The summary and the transcription offered up in the side panel were riddled with errors so I didn't include it in this post. I am glad to have found this.  I plan to look at that period in Will's life and determine what was happening. 
I love seeing what my Great Uncle Will(W.B. Jakes) owned and it's an added bonus that in the process of giving the location of the property used to secure the note, it tells where he lived.
John L Jakes who signs is Will's brother, and James Jakes is their father
E P Leach was a merchant and carriagemaker who lived in Rutherford Co TN.  I believe this is why the heading says Rutherford Co TN immediately before this deed in the book.  To me, that would mean the deal was made in Rutherford but the property that secured the note was in Bedford Co TN(Will's county of residence.  Could this also be recorded in the Rutherford Co TN Deed books...I'll have to check that out.

McMurray Sulky Co.--From the Detroit Public Library Digital Collection

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Don't Neglect Researching the More Recent Past

I obtained a digital copy of my Dad's 1st cousin's will by calling the county clerk's office two years ago. At the time I didn't have a working printer so I had not printed a copy out to put in my Cooke Jakes Archives Binder. I took care of that today. Cousin Hazel had no children of her own so the will was pretty straightforward. She was the only child of my paternal grandmother's brother John Jakes.  Great Uncle John had been a barber in Murfreesboro, TN. He passed away in 1937 when my Dad was really young thus Dad didn't have many memories to pass on concerning his Uncle John or his cousin Hazel who was 10 years his senior. People fall out of touch when there are deaths in the family and such was the case with my grandmother Pearl Jakes Cooke and her deceased brother's daughter Hazel.

I knew that she had married into the Jetton family but pretty much nothing else. When I was writing the article about my great-grandparents James Jakes and Annie Frizzell and their descendants, I found out more about her life. I wish I'd had the Full-text search that is offered in the FamilySearch Labs on FamilySearch.org at the time I was writing that piece.  It's probably just as well though as I am uncovering oodles of info and that would have been too much for the paper article which had already pushed the limit for inclusion in the quarterly.

The important point I want to make is that we shouldn't overlook researching our more recent relatives, such as parents, grandparents, their 1st cousins, and 1st cousins once removed. This is particularly important if you are using DNA research and want to identify matches on your DNA list. While there are privacy laws, there are still many public records that can be accessed through requests or by searching newspapers and directories. Be sure to explore the Full-text Search for those more recent ancestors and cousins.  It may give you ideas for additional places to search for information.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bounty Land Warrant # 37922--Nancy Culverhouse

The Land Entry Case File 
Warrant # 37922 by Act of Sept 1850  to Nancy Culverhouse widow on service
of John Height Pvt in Capt Paces Co 2nd Reg Tenn Vols
War of 1812 
Nancy Culverhouse Assigned to Wm G Hight
Wm G Hight Assigned to Jacob Idleman
Jacob Idleman entered the claim at the 
Vandalia Ills office on 80 acres in Fayette Co. Illinois
Record Group 49
Records of Bureau of Land Management
National Archives, Washington, DC.
Document Retrieval by Gopher Records

Act of Sept 1850

Nancy Culverhouse widow
of John Height Pvt Capt Paris Co 2nd Reg Tenn Vols
War of 1812

Jacob Idleman Asg
Vandalia Ills 80 acres

5th May 1853
Reg 7 Aug /55

11 April 1852

For value received I Nancy Culverhouse to whom the within
warrant No 45.922 was issued do hereby sell and assignee unto William
G Hight of Bedford County Tennessee and to his heirs and
assigns forever the said warrant and authorizes him to locate the same
and receive a patent therefor. Witness my hand and seal this 4th
day of June 1852
Nancy Culverhouse(her mark and seal)
C S Dudley
R B Rucker

4th June 1852 Justice of Peace James Foster
7th June 1852 John H Oneal Clerk of Bedford Co TN
verifies the return by the JP and applies the seal

17th June 1852 Wm G Hight sells & assigns to Jacob Idleman
of Fayette Co IL

Ro G Smiley
D F Wilkin

17th June 1852 in Davidson Co TN by Justice of Peace Robert W Greene
F R Cheatham certifies and seals the assignment also on 17th June 1852

Sunday, August 11, 2024

William Harrison Deeds--Bedford Co. TN

Located two deeds of William Harrison who deeded property in the Alexander Creek area of Bedford Co TN.  

Deed #1
William Harrison to John A McClain
23 Acres and 120 poles   
bargained on 25 November 1825
Registered 15 December 1826

"Controversy has arisen between the said parties concerning a certain tract or parcel of land"
Land in Bedford Co TN on Alexander Creek 

William Harrison signs away all his right title and interest in said land and while the deed does mention bargaining, selling, and delivering it does not mention any monetary exchange. 

Josiah T McLain
Jodiah A McLain
John Harrison

Bedford County, Tennessee, Deed Book W: 335, William Harrison to John A. McLain, both of Bedford County, Tennessee; digital image, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSKX-3Q64-7 : accessed 11 August 2024), Bedford County, Tennessee, Deed Books S-W, November 1824-February 1828, image 791 of 902, IGN 8150800.

Deed #2
William Harrison to Rencher Spence
85 acres for $300 
bargained 25 June 1827
Situate lying and being in the county above up on the
water of Alexander Creek and bounded as follows(viz)
Beginning on a Elm running west one hundred &
46 poles to a stake thence south Ninty four poles to a
Dogwood thence East one hundred & forty-six pole to a
dogwood thence North Ninty four poles to the beginning
containing eighty-five acres of Land

Benj G Allen
Allen Harris
Registered 18 Aug 1827

In the first part of the recorded deed it looks like it says William Harrison Sen.  The S appears consistent with the other words starting with S.  It doesn't appear to be J for Junior.  I believe this is the William Harrison Rev War Pensioner and husband of Elvira Cooper Harrison. He is in the 1830 Census of Bedford Co TN surrounded by the McClains(the spelling of their name varies), his sons, and Elizabeth Cook(most likely his daughter, Elizabeth Harrison Cook.)  Benjamin Allen is a neighbor on that 1830 Census and is likely the witness with that same name.  The Allen family gave statements for the Rev War Pension drawn on William's service. 

Bedford County, Tennessee, Deed Book W: 321, William Harrison of BedfordCo TN to Rencher Spence of Rutherford Co TN; digital image, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSKX-3Q68-5 : accessed 11 August 2024), Bedford County, Tennessee, Deed Books S-W, November 1824-February 1828,  image 784 of 902, IGN 8150800. 

Unsure if these two deeds are the same William but it seems likely that they are given he was a known resident of that area.  His son, also named William Harrison would have been a teenager at the time the deeds were executed.

Other Posts I've Made Relevant to this Topic:





Sunday, August 04, 2024

J P Taylor's Estate Inventory Includes Notes Held on Cook Brothers(1880)

The estate of J P Taylor(admin C N Taylor) held notes on both  James P Cook and his brother, Joseph Knox Cook.  These notes are listed in the inventory listing of the estate recorded in Bedford Co. TN on 18th June 1880

(Note on) J P Cook difference in Settlement         15 cents
(Note on) J K Cook March 8 1880                  $18

Many others from the neighborhood are listed.
Surnames included:  Bullock, Gentry, Jones, Wright, Chambers, Ransom, Alexander, Lamb, Manire, Louvan, Cole, Height, Cousey, Allison, Floyd, Newsom, Wade, Osborne, Prince, Wortham, Jackson, Lytle, Pressgroves, Stem, Vicry, Cooper, Batt, Poplin, Hester, Primrose, Garrett, Landrum, Gowen, Daniel, Harris.

Bedford County, Tennessee, Probate Court, Estate Inventory of J.P. Taylor, Probate Volume C, page 320; image FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-2P77-W9 : accessed 4 August 2024) Probate Volumes C-D, January 1878–August 1889, item 4776096, image 189 of 690.