Over the past few years I've been studying Williamson Co TN Dist. 25 in hopes that knowing how the families were interconnected will help break thru my Cook brick wall. Using a spreadsheet, I pulled together my notes and information on this community in order to have a quick reference when those surnames showed up in any other parts of my research. I'm publishing this to my blog in the hopes of finding other researchers interested in the area and time period that the information here might help. This portion contains families who were living in or taxed in District 25 of Williamson Co TN during the years 1836-1840 whose surnames begin with J-L. When possible I've noted connections in neighboring districts. Simply put, there is a lot of overlap of families between Williamson Co TN Dist. 25, the Versailles and Eagleville area of Rutherford Co TN and Bedford Co TN Dist. 10(Rover). Also please note that anyone listed as NOT enumerated in District 25 should probably read not listed as Head of Household in Williamson Co. TN District 25. They may be within another household OR they may not be enumerated at all within the district for a number of reasons.
Frances Sr (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839) Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Frances Jr.(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1839) Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Frances H(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838) Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Nathan(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Richard(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Samuel(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838)Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Sarah(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838, 1839)Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Thomas(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
William(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
[These Jacksons are Francis M Jackson and his descendants. Francis was the son of
Thomas and Mary Jackson. He was from Amelia Co Virginia. He married Elizabeth
W. Childress. Their children were born in VA except for Francis & David who were
born in Rockingham Co NC. Dick Poplin wrote an article about them which is in the
Rover Vol 2 Book on p 234]
F. S. Jarrett (Dist. 25 Tax List: 1839)Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Allen B Jones(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837)Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
John Jones(Dist. 25 Tax List: None)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Thomas Jones(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1838, 1839)Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Blunt Jordan--Dist. 25 Tax List: None) Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Barham Lamb(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1838)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
David Little Lamb(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836)Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
David Long Lamb(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837)Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
David Lamb Jr.(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
David Lamb Sr.(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Harper Lamb(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Jonathan Lamb(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Merriman Lamb(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1838 )Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
In 1837 & 1839 there is a Merriman Lamb listed on the Bedford Co. TN Dist 10 Tax List.
Thomas Lamb(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
William Lamb(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.Also same on
[This Lamb family descends from Thomas and Alice Longshore Lamb who were Quakers from Bucks
PA. They moved south thru VA, NC and eventually Union Co SC before arriving in Williamson Co TN.
They left the Quaker religion and were active as Primitive Baptist (Padgett Creek SC). There are
connections between the Lambs and the Landrum thru their church, intermarriage and both came to TN
from Union Co SC Specifically those descendants of David Lamb and Esther Landrum]
Delilah Landrum(Dist. 25 Tax List:1836, 1837, 1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Widow of Merriman Landrum. They married in Union Co SC.
John Landrum(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Son in Law of John Hall. Baptist Preacher Mt Pleasant Church Son of Reuban & Mary Ray
Thomas Landrum(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837, 1838)Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
William Landrum(Dist. 25 Tax List: None )Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Andrew G Lewis(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839)Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
William C Lewis(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839)Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
Alfred L. Little(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837,1838) Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
He was also among those who made purchases at the Estate Sale of Joseph S Cook.He married Martha Pope daughter of Charles Pope & Elizabeth Smith Pope. Some
researchers have her as a 1st wife but she may have been the only wife. The 1850 census
for them is a mess. She couldn't have died by 1851 as some claim as the youngest son's
death certificate said his Mom was a Pope. I'm thinking it is more than likely that Martha E's
middle name was Emily. At any rate more research is needed and hopefully this will help.
David Little(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1837) Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
John Little Jr(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837,1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840
John Little Sr(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836, 1837,1838, 1839)Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840
Joseph C Little(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836) Enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840
William Little--(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1838) Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
There is a Wm. Little/Lytle on Bedford Co TN Dist. 10(Rover) for years 1836, 1837, and 1838.
Zachariah Little(Dist. 25 Tax List: 1836 & 1839) Not enumerated in Dist. 25 in 1840.
He and W. C. Cooke signed each others marriage bond.
- Tennessee, US, Early Tax List Records, 1783-1895 https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/2883/
- Williamson County(Tennessee) Tax Records 1800-1963) Tax records 1831-1845 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS4V-V2HL?mode=g&cat=234786
- Tennessee State Library and Archives. Ancestry.com. North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S., Early Land Records, 1753-1931 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2013.
- Nance, R. Fred, and John W. Nance. 1983. The history of Versailles, tenth district, and its people. Murfreesboro, Tenn. (P.O. Box 906, Murfreesboro 37130): Rutherford County Historical Society.
- "United States Census, 1840." Database with images. FamilySearch.
Bedford Co TN. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9YTB-921F?wc=31SJ-161%3A1588669927%2C1588669780%2C1588665902&cc=1786457
Rutherford Co TN https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GYB9-98FZ?wc=31SK-FMD%3A1588669927%2C1588669425%2C1588665902&cc=1786457
Williamson Co TN https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9YB7-4DT?wc=31S2-443%3A1588669927%2C1588667580%2C1588665902&cc=1786457
- Rover Historical Society. History of Rover and the 10th district of Bedford County: lest we forget the people and things in our corner of the world. Vol. I(1986), Vol. II(1999). Paducah, Ky: Turner Pub. Co.