Sunday, September 29, 2024

Which William Cook registered land in Bedford Co TN(1826)

Several weeks back I contacted the Tennessee State Library and Archives with a question about a land warrant(#3793) recorded for William C Cook for land in Bedford Co TN. My specific question was abt the act listed on the warrant in hopes that it would tell how he received the land. In the meantime, I started looking for land transactions or deeds for the people and properties listed in the land description. Specifically Dempsey P Temple and William Chapman. I received a response which included several documents
  • An 1823 Act Book page
  • Plat Certificate for the William C Cook land
Transcription of Plat Certificate :

By virtue of Entry number 584 dated May 13th 1825
(Entered by certificate No. 15 for 160 acres)
I have surveyed for William C Cook (assignee of Robert P Harrison) 50 acres of land situate in Bedford County on the Waters of Rich Creek a North Branch of Duck River. Beginning on William Chapman's line on Dempsey P Temples northwest corner of an entry of 100 acres No. 229 thence East with Temples line 126 and one-half poles to a cedar thence North 63 and 1/4 poles to two black ash trees thence West 126 and a half poles to an elm and Ash on said Chapman's line thence Southwest on said line to the beginning

Surveyed February 4th 1826           Wm D Orr  DR(note: Deed Recorder?)

William Chapman
Asa Hale
2CC(note: chain carriers?)

Land Records for  William Chapman

Transaction 29th Dec 1827
Regd  23 Jan 1828
Kimbrough T. Ogilvie to William Chapman  203 acres ($ 1000)
Bedford Co. TN Deed Book v. W  p. 396
accessed 12 Sep 2024
IGN 8150800  Image  822  of  902
[Named in Record:  David Dryden, Samuel Winstead Alexander Eakin
The land was part of a larger grant Mark R Cockrell(No 9392) 196 acres]

Transaction 21st Dec 1827
Regd 28th  May 1829
William Chapman to Samuel Winstead  6 acres & 30 poles ($31)
Bedford Co. TN Deed Book v. AA p. 181
FamilySearch : accessed 11 Sep 2024
IGN 8150802  Image 105 of 591
[Named in Record:  Thomas Allison, Spencer Eakin,  P H Shockey]

Transaction 8th Feb 1828
Regd 28th May 1829
William Chapman to Samuel Winstead  75 acres ($128)
Bedford Co. TN Deed Book v. AA p. 179
accessed 11 Sep 2024
IGN 8150802  Image 104 of 591
[Named in record:  Mark R Cockrill?,  George Calhoon, Peter Goodwin, Ephraim Hunter, Benjamin Harkness, John Williamson]

Transaction 5 Dec 1832
Regd  13th March 1833
William Chapman to  Ephraim Hunter  79 acres &  120 poles ($184 42 1/2 Cents )
Bedford Co. TN Deed Book v. DD  p.  1
accessed 11 Sep 2024
IGN 8265309   Image 292 of 585
[Named in Record:  Thomas Allison, John Ramsey, James Eakin]

Checking the names from within just these documents using the tax list of Bedford Co TN for 1836-1839 as well as the 1830 US Federal Census which was close to the same time as the deeds shows that most of those people owned property or lived in Dist 17 of Bedford Co TN.  I could hypothesize if this trend continues that he is the William Cook of District 17 but that doesn't explain why he is listed as William C Cook on the Land document.  At all other times, I have found Dist 17 William he was simply William Cook--no middle initial.

Robert P Harrison--William C Cook certificate for land mentions that he is assignee of Harrison
Wm. D Orr-Recorded the Deed
Asa Hale--One of the Chain Carriers
Mark R. Cockrell--The land Kimbrough T Ogilvie sold Wm Chapman was from an early land grant of his.

District 7
Alexander Eakin
Spencer Eakin
Shockley--Did not find P H Shockley but there was a Shockley in this district.

District 11
Thomas Allison

District 17
Ephraim Hunter 
Benjamin Harkness 
John Williamson
John Ramsey
James Eakin
Samuel Winstead
Kimbrough T. Ogilvie

District 18
William Cook
Dempsey P Temple
William Chapman
George Calhoun
Peter Goodwin 
David Dryden

Districts 12-17 were taken from Bedford Co TN in 1836 to form Marshall County.

1830 US Federal Census, Bedford County Tennessee , FamilySearch ( : accessed 29 Sep 2024), image 13 of 712.[This snippet of the census appears to be some of the District 17 Families whose head of household is among those mentioned in the deeds involving William Chapman].

Another point, even with this William C Cook being listed as the assignee of Robert P Harrison and with my Wm C Cook's Harrison maternal grandparents he would not be of age to be able to own or purchase land without a guardian as far as I can tell.

Samuel Winstead purchaser of the land from William Chapman, is likely the same man named Samuel Winstead who served in the 1st Regiment(Metcalfe's) West Tennessee Militia during the War of 1812.  William P Cook, the probable husband of Elizabeth Harrison Cook, also served in 1st Regiment(Metcalfe's) West Tennessee Militia   

Knowing the district in which the William Cook who received the land lived and his neighbors makes me believe that he was William Cook b. abt 1798 who married Nancy Lentz.  No idea why he was referred to as William C Cook on the land documents.  His Widow's Pension File is listed on Fold3. She had filed for War of 1812 survivor's pension but had been rejected because he was in the Seminole War of 1818 which weren't eligible for pension.

I can safely say that my 2nd Great Grandfather William C Cook b 1811 was not the same William C Cook who received that land. As far as I know, none of the direct male descendants of Wm Cook husband of Nancy Lentz have YDNA tested.  Need to look at the late Jerry Wayne Cook's research.  I think he published it.

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