When sorting thru DNA matches at AncestryDNA, I like to note the connection for each of my matches as being thru the ancestors of one of my four Grandparents. Both my parents have ancestors who were in Tennessee in the early 1800s. Most of the time I will only be connected to the match on one side. There a few times when I will have multiple connections. See the example below with Bill who shares matches with me who are from my PGF's Mom(King/Manire) and my MGF's Mom(Pittman/Adcock) He has no tree and trying to figure this one out will take seeing the segments in a chromosome browser.
Thru my admin and shared links, I can tell how much DNA Bill shares with Me, my sister, and my mother. Unfortunately, we did not begin DNA testing until after my Dad had passed so he was never tested.
Bill's match with Me |
Shared matches only show those in common who share at a 4th cousin level(Ancestry's minimum for 4th cousins is 20 cMs) I noticed that my Mom isn't listed as a shared match.
Bill's match with my Mom
After looking at Mom's amount of shared DNA with Bill, I'm really hoping I will be able to check this match in a chromosome browser so I can identify the grandparent(s) who passed on the 2 segments I received. On checking Bill's match with my sister's test it appears they do not share any DNA within the range that Ancestry would report. This is a good example of randomness of DNA inheritance. I've written to Bill and asked if he was planning on uploading to GEDmatch, MyHeritage or FTDNA. Hopefully, I will get the opportunity to view the segments in a chromosome browser and see what occurred.
Bill's match(or lack of) with my Sister |
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