
Friday, January 12, 2024

My Ancestry Pro Tools Experience

I have tried out Ancestry's add-on subscription Pro Tools and have written blog posts about my experience using the different tools available through that subscription.  You can find those posts linked below.

Ancestry's Pro Tools Suite
As I have finished out my test drive and decided that the tools were not something I would want to keep from month to month on my account, it was time to cancel that portion of my Ancestry subscription.  In order to cancel it, I did as I always do when I cancel my regular subscription from time to time.  
  • Click on my picture in the top right
  • Select Account Settings
  • Scroll Down to Membership
The Ancestry Pro Tools Membership was listed below my active US Discovery Membership so I scrolled further down and selected the "Cancel membership" option beneath the Ancestry Pro Tools Membership.  When I unsubscribe from services I always expect them to try and convince me to keep my subscription but this one was rather confusing and may have been due in part to them really not offering an add-on subscription before, and not having things set up for an unsubscription from it.  They should have had that ready before release as the screen that is presented after canceling the Pro Tools was confusing.

The above screen made me wonder if my hints were going away but not wanting the extra charge I continued on with my cancellation.

They asked for an explanation of why I wanted to cancel and while there were several that applied, I chose too expensive.

I guess they wanted a more detailed explanation for anyone who chose the expense as a reason for cancelling. They might have had something similar on the other choices I don't know.  This was the one I thought was most applicable to my situation.

I selected it and clicked on Cancel membership. On the Cancellation Details screen I was assured that "No other subscriptions on your account will be affected by this cancellation."   Sigh....why not say that in the first place.  It just really feels like bad business practice to me when companies make it hard for folks to unsubscribe or in this case make you uncertain of what is available after cancellation.  Hopefully they will improve on this.  

I am thankful that the cancelation can be done without having to make a phone call.  In the earlier years, that was not the case and I didn't subscribe because I dreaded the unsubscribing process.  😀

Will I subscribe to Pro Tools again?   I don't know--maybe once a year if I get extra time to tinker and they offer some DNA tools that weren't already available.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for describing your Pro Tools experience (particularly the cancellation) in detail. I'm not going to spend the extra money at this time!
