
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Robert & Anna Cook Analysis with a little help from ChatGPT

I've been gathering source documents of Robert Lee Cook, son of Jefferson Gideon Cook.  A few of Gideon's sons moved to the bigger cities of Chicago and Detroit for work. I wanted to look into that. I don't get to do that much with my direct line.  My direct ancestors tend to put down permanent roots in rural locations.

  • Typed up a data extraction from each source and crafted my citations
  • Opened ChatGPT and discussed what I wanted--a table that would help in comparing and contrasting the information from the documents.
  • Copied and pasted my extractions and source citations into ChatGPT
  • Instructed it to use that info for the table.

It did a pretty good job.  I had to make several corrections but it did save me some time.

Below is the information from the documents and source citations. 

Robert & Anna's Marriage(1924)
Return of Marriages in the County of Wayne(Michigan) 1924
Record No:  268078
Date of License: April 29, 1924
Bridegroom: Robert L Cook
Bride: Anna C Bailey
Maiden name of Bride, if widow:  Eutsler
Age of each in yrs:  Groom 55 Bride 53
Race: Both White
Residence of Each:  Detroit, Mich.(both)
Birthplace of Each: Tenn(groom) Ohio(bride)
Occupation of Each: Bookkeeper(groom) House wk(bride)
Name of Father of Each:
    Groom's Father: Jefferson
    Bride's Father: Christopher
Maiden name of Mother of Each
    Groom:  Mary S Haymer
    Bride:  Elizabeth A Dunn
Time Previously Married
    Groom:  None
    Bride:  Two
Date of Marriage: April 30 1924
Place of Marriage:  Detroit, Mich.
Name & Official State of Person by Whom Married: C.E. Ferguson-Clergyman
Witness to Marriage:  Edward H Deutsch & Bessie C Deutsch (both reside in Detroit Mich.)

Robert & Anna's US Federal Census(1930)
Michigan, Wayne County, Detroit(City), Ward 10, Block 160, ED 82-298, p 173, Sheet 15A, Dwelling 1, Family 1, 
Robert L Cook age 61 First married at 55, self & Parents born in Tennessee
Robert's occupation is Sweeper at Auto Factory
Annie C Cook age 58 First married at 18, self & Parents born in Florida

Anna's Death Certificate(1935)
Michigan Department of Health
Division of Vital StatisticsCertificate of Death
State Office No. 200655
Register No. 10(3?)84
Place of Death:  Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan
Full Name:  Anna Charlotte Cook
Residence:  4280 15th St., Detroit, Michigan
Sex:  Female
Color or Race:  White
Marital Status:  Married
Spouse:  Robert Cook
Date of Birth:  April 12, 1867
Age:  68 years, 4 months, 24 days
Occupation:  At home
Birthplace:  Ohio
Father's Name:  Christopher Eusler
Father's Birthplace:  Unknown
Mother's Maiden Name:  Elizabeth Dunn
Mother's Birthplace:  Unknown
Informant:  Robert Cook (4280 15th St., Detroit, MI)
Date of Death:  September 6, 1935
Last Seen Alive:  September 6, 1935
Cause of Death:  Chronic myocarditis
Other Contributing Factors:  Gastritis 3 days
Burial Place:  Forest Lawn, Detroit, Michigan
Burial Date:  September 9, 1935
Undertaker:  Harvey A. Neely
Address of Undertaker:  Detroit, Michigan
Physician's Name:  Dr. James E. Clark
Physician's Address:  4292 14th Ave

Robert Lee Cook's Death Notice (1954)
Robert Lee Cook
Funeral services for Robert Lee
Cook. 86. of 301 Wimpole Drive, will 
be at Ellis and Kidd Funeral Home.
2627 Nolensville road. at 2:30 p.m. 

The Rev. Grady' Randolph and 
the Rev. E. W. Barnett will offi-
ciate, Burial will be in Triune cem
eterv, near Nolensville. 

Mr. Cook died Friday at David
son County hospital after A long 

Born in Rutherford County, he 
was the son of Dr. J.G. and Mary 
Hamer Cook. For many years he 
lived in Detroit where he was em-
ployed by an automobile firm. Aft-
er his retirement five years ago. 
he returned to Nashville 

In 1923, he married the former
Miss Anna Bailey of Detroit. who 
died 20 years ago. 

Survivors include two brothers, 
J.R. Cook. Chicago. And C.B.
Cook. Robards, Ky: And a sister. 
Mrs. Dave Cook of Nashville,


Michigan, Marriages Records, 1867-1952, Michigan Dept. of Community Health, Division of Vital Records & Health Statistics: imaged at Ancestry ( : accessed 15 February 2025), Registers, 1887-1925 > 1921-1925 > 1924 Wayne, Image 384 of 1457, Record No 268078, Marriage of Robert L Cook and Anna C Bailey.

1930 US Federal Census, Michigan, Wayne County, Detroit City, Ward 10, Block 160, ED 82-298, p 173, Sheet 15A, Dwelling 1, Family 1, Robert L Cook household; images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 16 February 2025), IGN 4951281, image 350 of 1114, Entry for Robert L Cook and Annie C Cook.

"Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952", Michigan Dept of Health; imaged at ( : accessed 15 February 2025), Entry for Anna Charlotte Cook, Date of Death 06 Sep 1935.

"Robert Lee Cook," The Tennessean(Nashville) 13 June 1954, p 78, col 3, death notice of Robert Lee Cook; ( : accessed 16 February 2025)

Additional Analysis
I built on the chat by typing in my analysis as I read and compared the info from the chart. ChatGPT can also help draft a report, but I found the introduction and conclusion to be of poor quality but no problem. In my opinion, those are the easiest parts to write. It did a good job with the contents of the report.  I will add the report to my Ancestry tree under Robert L. Cook's profile. This will be a great help to see what I have completed so far when I come back to this research.

I've heard that some folks have had success creating tables from image files.  I'm not sure that would save too much time for me.  I learn as I type so I'd miss out on the info "soaking in." I still have to double-check any output--my own or ChatGPT.  I find it helpful to "chat"  my analysis. It helps me to identify holes in logic and sometimes gives me a new perspective. When using AI the key is knowing what is time-saving, and what is a time suck.  Choose wisely.

I used Free ChatGPT to make the table.  It helped organize the data and analysis I typed into a report.  I had to replace certain parts(intro and conclusion) as they were not what I would have used.  I didn't include the report in this article. 

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