
Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Antioch news from Warren Co. TN(Sept 1933)

Before there was online social media, there were newspaper articles focused on specific areas where they posted about what all the citizens of that area were doing.  This one is from Antioch, a community in Warren County Tennessee(not to be confused with the city in Davidson County)

Notes of Interest Around Antioch  (Sept. 1933)
(transcribed as written)
Mss Aileen Johnson spent the week-
end with her sister, Mrs Evy Spark-
man of Cummingsville.
Andrew McElroy has malaria fever.
Sam Brady is some better.
Mrs. Charles Rogers is visiting her
daughter, Mrs Oda Grissom.
Andrew Hillis was in Sparta Satur-
Mrs. Jim Breedlove and children and
Miss Della Chandler were Wednesday
guests of Mrs. Andy Acuff.
Miss Willie Maye Witt visited Mrs.
Bascomb Chandler Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs R.obert Wednestead
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Wednestead.
There will be a box supper at Semi-
nary(near Bone Cave) Saturday night,
Sept. 23. The public is invited.

"Notes of Interest Around Antioch," Southern Standard(McMinnville, TN), Vol LIV No 30, 21 Sept 1933, p 7, col 2; images, FamilySearch( : accessed 24 February 2025) IGN 8964042, Image 828 of 1152.

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