
Monday, February 12, 2024

Nancy Harger Jakes Applies for Bounty Land

James Jakes 1788–1847
BIRTH 10 FEB 1788 • Franklin Co., Virginia, USA
DEATH 05 SEP 1847 • Bedford Co., Tennessee, USA
My 3rd great-grandfather, James Jakes married Nancy Harger on 29 MAY 1806 in Franklin Co., Virginia, USA  They have one unknown F under 10 in household during 1810 census In which they are in Franklin Co VA near John Jakes--James’ father. Their son George Jakes was my 2nd great Grandfather and was born in 1820 in Franklin Co VA. I do not have the census for them that year(1820.) The family was in Bedford Co TN by the time of son James Jakes’ birth in 1825 and the remainder of their children were born in TN. There are a good bit of descendants from John Jakes son of James & Nancy Harger Jakes so more work has been done on his line.

I had no idea that James served in the War of 1812. I just happened to do a search on the surname Jakes at the BLM site and found the listing below.  I would recommend checking the BLM GLO site to see if any of your ancestors applied for and received a warrant but opted to sell it.  

Looking at the individual entries it appears that James serviced under Capt Jones in the Virginia Militia during the War of 1812. Nancy filed for bounty land under the 1850 Act as well as the 1855 Act and sold the warrants as many did. I have copies of the Land Entry Case Files. I placed an order for Nancy's Bounty Land Applications but the Archives couldn't locate it and feel like it is either lost or misfiled. Many times the Bounty Land Applications are placed in with the pension files but with neither James nor Nancy applying for a pension that did not happen in this case.

Bounty Land under the 1850 Act:

Transcription From back of Warrant:

For Value Received I Nancy Jakes widow of James
Jakes to whom the within Warrant No(blank) was issued
do hereby sell and assign unto William C Davis & George Trumbull of
St Clair County Illinois to his heirs and assigns forever
the said warrant and authorise him to locate the same 
and receive a patent therefore.  Witness my hand
and seal this May 32st 1853.  Nancy (Her x Mark) Jakes Seal
Francis H Ragsdale
B. L. Chadwick
State of Tennessee Coffee County
On this 21st of May 1853 personally appeared Nancy
Jakes to me well known and acknowledged the foregoing
assignment to be her act and deed and I certify that the
said Nancy Jakes is the identical person to whom the
within issued and who executed the foregoing assignments thereof.
J A Brantley J P

State of Tennessee
Coffee County
I  A.M. Short Clerk of the County Court 
for said county certify that James A Brantley
Esqr whose genuine signature appears to the above certificate
is and was at the time of executing the same an acting Justice of
the peace in and for said county duly commissioned and
qualified and that full faith and credit is due to all his
official acts as such.
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed my seal of office
at Manchester this 23rd day of May
1853     A M Short Clerk

Bounty Land Under the 1855 Act: 

Transcription from Back of Warrant

For Value Received I Nancy Jakes to whom the within Warrant
No 57991 was issued do hereby sell and assign unto Silas O Kellogg
of Steele County Minnesota Territory and to his heirs and assigns forever
the said warrant and authorise him to locate the same and
receive a patent therefor.
Witness my hand and seal this fifth day of Aprile 1856
Nancy (her x  mark) Jakes Seal

T. B. Martin
John Jakes

State of Tennessee County of Bedford
On this the fifth day of April in the year Eighteen
hundred and fifty six before me personally came Nancy
Jakes to me will known and acknowledge the foregoing assignment
to be her act and deed and I certify that the said Nancy Jakes
is the identical person to whom the within warrant issued and
who executed the foregoing assignment thereof 
Alexander Lee JP

State of Tennessee
County of Bedford

I J H. Thompson clerk of the county court
of the county and state aforesaid do hereby
certify that Alexander Lee Esq whose genuine signature appeared to the
foregoing certificate of acknowledgment is and was at the time of so
doing an acting justice of the peace within and for the county and
state aforesaid duly elected and commissioned and qualified and that full 
faith and credit is due all his acts as such.
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of my office as clerk aforesaid this eighth day of 
April AD Eighteen Hundred and fifty six   J H Thompson Clk


Nancy Jakes, widow of James Jakes(Priv., Capt Jones Company, Virginia Militia, War of 1812), bounty land Warrant file # 63701(Act of 1850 40 acres); Land Entry Case File; Record Group 49; Records of the Bureau of Land Management; National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Nancy Jakes, widow of James Jakes(Priv., Capt Jones Company, Virginia Militia, War of 1812), bounty land Warrant file # 57991(Act of 1855 120 acres); Land Entry Case File; Record Group 49; Records of the Bureau of Land Management; National Archives, Washington, D.C.

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