
Friday, March 24, 2023

Divorce: Emma Sanders vs Dallas Sanders--Madison Co. Alabama 1946

Image 1
Image of Folder 

Image 2 
Divorce Decree. The State of Alabama, Madison County. Circuit Court of Madison County, in Equity 23rd Judicial Circuit
No 8833  June 20th 1946  Emma Sanders(Plaintiff)  vs. Dallas Sanders(Defendant) 
Granted-Plaintiff’s pleadings were taken pro confesso since the defendant did not appear despite having been served a summons. 

Image 3 
Wrapper of Decree

Image 4 
May 18th 1946 Summons for Dallas Sander to be delivered by sheriff.

Image 5 
Outer Wrapper of Summons
Signed by register and execute on same day.
Filed May 20th 1946
Rec Bk 37 pg 594

Image 6
Plaintiff's pleadings ask for a vinculo matrimonii(absolute divorce)

Image 7
Wrapper of Plaintiff's pleadings

Image 8
Acknowledgement of served summons on defendant and defendants failure to answer.

Image 9
Decree Pro Confesso 
Order Bk  6 pg. 210

Image 10
June 23rd 1946 Complainant's submission for final decree

Image 11
Notice of Register's Submission

Image 12
Certificate of Commissioner regarding Oral Depositions

Image 13
Outer Wrapper Commission to take Oral Depositions

Image 14
Deposition of Emma Sanders witness sworn and examined under and by virtue of a commission issued out of the Circuit Court of Madison County in equity in a certain cause therein pending wherein they said Emma Sanders is Complainant and Dallas Sanders is Defendant. The said witness, being duly sworn to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, deposes and says as follows:

My name is Emma Sanders. I am the Complainant in this cause and I am of full age and of sound mind. I am bona fide a resident of Madison County, Alabama having bona fide resided in the state for more than one year next before the filing of my bill for divorce. The Defendant also is of full age of sound mind and he resided at the time of the filing of my bill for divorce at 407 Rison Avenue, Huntsville, Madison County, Alabama and still lives in Madison County, Alabama. He and I were married on the 4th day of March 1933 by license regularly issued out of the probate court of Madison County Alabama and lived together thereafter as men and wife until the 12th day of May, 1946, at which time we separated while living in Madison County, Alabama, and we have not lived together since. During the time that we cohabited the Defendant drank to excess and was extremely quarrelsome when intoxicated. He has on more than one occasion struck me and has threatened my life. I was afraid that he might carry out his threats and separated from him at the time mentioned above and have not since cohabited with him.

Emma Sanders

"Alabama, Madison County Chancery and Circuit Court Records, 1829-1968," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 March 2023), Divorces and Disputed Estates > 1946 > Case no 8833 Sanders, Emma vs Sanders, Dallas > image 1 of 14; citing Madison County Record Center, Huntsville.

Emma Lou Acuff Sanders

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