
Friday, August 19, 2022

D V Putnam--Dickson Co TN Confederate Pension Application #S8665

D V Putnam  S8665 Dickson Co. TN 11th Cav.

It appears that David Vance Putnam completed the application but it was not turned in until after his death.  Presumably this was so there would be some  notarized statements on file for the widow to apply for a widow's pension.  His claim was rejected as he was deceased and I've not yet found a claim made by his widow.  Will check further resources and make a follow-up post when and if I do find additional information.

See Original at

Source: "Tennessee, Confederate Pension Applications, Soldiers and Widows, 1891-1965," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 31 October 2018), Filed by Soldier > no 8548-8698 > image 1623-28 of 2219; State Library and Archives, Nashville.

Letter of Explanation from T H Whitfield White Bluff TN  Jan 10 1907

Dear Mr. Hickerson & M? 

I enclose you application of D V Putman for Pension who died before
sending in.  You will please send me an application for her(his widow)
and also one for Mrs. Sarah Hall Widow of J A Hall who died last
year & would ask what has been done with  the case of E Buggett Company
B 49 Tenn.  I notice that in your ?  you have allowed quite a number
of 2nd class widows Please advise me what has been done in the case
of Mrs. Mary Andrews whose application has been there for quite a while
& if any other evidence is required very respectfully yours

T H Whitfield

Wrapper of Application

Tennessee Confederate Pension Application 
Soldier #8665 D V Putman (Rejected)

Soldier's Application for Pension

Under Class 1, 2, 3 or 4.

I, D V Putnam a native of the State of Tennessee and now a citizen of
Tennessee, resident of Flat Pond in the county of Dickson in said state 
of Tennessee and who was a soldier from the State of Tennessee, in the 
war between the United States and the Confederate States, do hereby apply
for aid under the Act of the General Assembly of Tennessee, entitled "An 
Act for the benefit of the indigent and disabled soldiers of the late war 
between the States, and to fix the fees of attorneys and agents for 
procuring such pensions, and fixing a penalty for the violation of the same, 
and amendments thereto" And I do solemnly swear that, while in the discharge of my duty in the service of the Confederate states as a member of 11th Tennessee Cavalry Tom Miller Capt, Ed Hamilton Lieut. Holman Col. I was first wounded  Sawing lumber for the construction of a railroad for the Confederacy. and that by reason of such wound and disability I am now entitled to receive the benefits of this Act.  I further swear that I do not hold any National, State, or County office, nor do I received aid or pension from any other State, or from the United States, and that I am not an inmate of any soldiers' home, and that I am unable to earn a reasonable support for myself and family.  I do further solemnly swear that the answers given to the following questions are true.

In What County, State and year were you born?
Answer:  Williamson Tennessee 1831.

When did you enlist and in what command?  Give the names of the regimental and company officers under whom you were serving at date of wound or other disability.
Answer:  1861 1st in 24th TN Infantry.  2nd 11th Tenn. Cavalry Holman Colonel Tom Miller Capt. Ed Hamilton Lieut.

What was the precise nature of your wound or disability?
Answer:  Was first struck in the side by Handstick while sawing lumber for the confederacy  2nd was struck in same wound by fragment of shell.

What limb, if any, did you lose by reason of said wound or wounds, and if no limb, state fully your disability, and if contracted in the services and is said disability permanent?
Answer:  After receiving above mentioned wounds my arm became almost useless.  Said wounds contracted in army service and is permanent.

Were you incapacitated for service by reason of said wound or disability incurred?
Answer:  Yes for about six weeks

Were you discharged from the army by reason of said wound or disability?
Answer:  No

If discharged from the army, where were you and what did you do until the close of the war?
Answer:  Was not discharged

What was the name of the surgeon who attended you?
Answer:  Dr. Hutton

How Did you get out of the army, when and where?
Answer:  Left sick on Hood Fall back in 1865 in Alabama

Did you take the oath of allegiance to the United States Government?
Answer:  No

If so, when and under what circumstances?
Answer:  Not So

Are you married, or have you been married?
Answer:  Yes

If so, what is the size of your family living together?
Answer:  Wife and five children

What are the respective ages of your wife and the children living with you?
Answer:  Wife 36 Children 12, 10, 8, 6, 3.

In what sex do your children belong?
Answer:  4 girls and 1 boy

Are not some of your children able to support you?
Answer:  None that is with me.

In what business are you now engaged, if any and what do you earn?
Answer:  Sawmilling, when able at one dollar per day

What estate have you in your own right, real and personal, and what is the value?
Answer:  Five acres land more or less valued at $25 and personal none

What estate has your wife in her own right, real and personal, and what is the value?
Answer:  None

How have you derived support for yourself and family for the last five years?
Answer:  By my manual labor

Do you use intoxicants to any extent?
Answer:  No

How Long have you been an actual residen of the State of Tennessee?
Answer:  All my life

Have you an attorney to look after this application?
Answer:  No

If so give his name and address

Witnessed my hand this April 15th day of 1904
D V Putnam(signature)


Notarized Statements

Jas R Major M D --Physician
(J) G Cook --Witness
W J Christopher(His Mark)-- Witness
Witness W M Goodlett

Statement of Physician Jas R Major M D 
Notarized by W H Stringfellow

Personally appeared before me, W H Stringfellow Notary Public of said county, the above named Jas, R Major M D, one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing application, and who is a physician of good standing, and being duly sworn says that he has carefully and thoroughly examined D V Putnam, the applicant, and find him laboring under the following disabilities:

Serious impairment of the function of the left shoulder and arm caused from a wound in the left side just below the axillary region caused from a fragment of shell striking him while in battle, the shell striking an older wound said wounds both received during the civil war.

Witness my hand and seal of office this 15th day of April 1904

W H Stringfellow N.P.

State of Tennessee Davidson County

Personally appeared before me, W M Goodlett Notary Public of said county, the above named J G Cook and W J Christopher, two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing application, with whom I am personally acquainted, and known to me to be citizens of veracity and standing in this community, and who make oath that they are personally acquainted with the foregoing applicant, and that the facts set forth and statements made in this application are correct and true, to the best of their knowledge and belief, and that they have no interest in this claim, and that said applicant's habits are good and from from dishonor and we further make oath to the following facts touching the applicants service in the Confederate Army.

Witness my hand and seal of office this 4th day of May 1904

W M Goodlett 
Notary Public

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