
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Finally have New Ancestor Discoveries at AncestryDNA

After having results for my Autosomal DNA testing from AncestryDNA for a year and four months I am finally just now getting New Ancestor Discoveries.  I had contacted them last year about not having any despite my both my Mother and my Daughters test having In Common New Ancestor Discoveries that I should have also have gotten since my daughter would have gotten them from me.
Their response was a canned one see copy and paste below:

I told them that their response was not logical given the info I mentioned above.  My tree does have almost 9000 people in it but that is hardly large in comparison to a lot of the trees hosted there.

Interestingly enough the New Ancestor Discoveries that I have are not the ones that my Mom and my Daughter share(which my daughter would have gotten from me)  These are Paternal New Ancestor Discoveries.  I can tell because they all have one thing in common--the Putman line which is my Dad's Great Grandmother's line.  My daughter now has these in addition to the Maternal New Ancestor Discoveries she had.  She also has another New Ancestor Discovery which is not showing in mine yet and which also ties to the Putman family.

In addition to these New Ancestor Discoveries I also have a  new milestone of 600 4th cousin or closer matches.  Perhaps my sister's DNA results will be in soon.  The status on it went to lab processing last week.


  1. I have 15 New Ancestor Discoveries, and so far I can't figure any of them out!

    1. Hi Shelly,
      The 3 I had when I blogged about this have went away. They were from the Crick Family that married into my Putman line and once I added my Direct Putman's siblings with their children then they ceased to be New Ancestor Discoveries and just went away.

      From what I understand everyone started seeing these New Ancestor Discoveries late Saturday. I gathered that from a research group I'm in. Mine seems to be all tied very distantly. These are 11 NADs I've never had before including 2 that my Mom and Daughter had...and still have. It's almost as if we got back the 5-8th cousins in the form of NADS that the new matching did away with in a sense.
